Canada Rugby
Canada Red Get the Job Done
Max & Matt Vs U.S.A. Men's U18 action wound up yesterday in California, the four games of the series all being very close. The Men's Reds came from behind with a solid second half to topple their U.S. counterparts, 33 - 25 with CW's, Matt Klimek notching his second tally in the series and...
Monday's Musings
'The Queen' and His Court at work! RECYCLING - EXTENDED SUNDAY, JAN., 5. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JAN., 11. 12 noon - 4:00 p.m. CLUB INITIATIVE Age Grade Girls sell 50/50 tix @ ROYALS game. Well done - Age Grade Girls Coaching Crew CANADA BOYS U18...
Monday's Musings
'tis the be thankful. The Treasurer gives thanks for the club being able to keep its financial head above water! A relevant reminder to ink Feb., 29th's Fun(d)raiser! It was the days before Christmas for the thirteenth Annual Guido Luncheon! A spectrum of clubs...
All the Best
CW wishes all the readers of this site, the very best of the Christmas Season to you and yours. A special THANK YOU to all of those who financially support us - your efforts are greatly appreciated. NO SOONER SAID THAN DONE! On Wednesday we predicted Matt Klimchuk's wearing of the...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
PATHWAY TO THE PINNACLE Today it gives this site great pleasure to highlight Julianne Zussman, a special athlete, a special person and a wonderful ambassador for rugby, specifically Canadian rugby. This past weekend, ‘Zuss’ as we fondly know her at CW, refereed at the Dubai Sevens. She...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
The Chaplain in Presidential mode! CW congratulates third term President, Matt (“The Chaplain”) Gordon. Matt was re-elected for a third term at last week’s AGM. A thankless job, requiring considerable “personal” time and support from spouse/partner and family, we are fortunate to have...
Monday's Musings
Chiz at the mine face. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Regardless of the weather, it was a good day for CW visiting the Hub City on Saturday. The venture opened with a men’s “Third Div.” exhibition between the two clubs. Despite being short of two full fifteen a-sides, the clubs mixed and...
Monday's Musings
Brandon, 'The Director', Schellenberger - in the office! A DAY TO REFLECT AND GIVE THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO GAVE THE ULTIMATE FOR US It was a good start by Westshore at Windsor on Saturday, no doubt, expected by the home club. After a few recycles Jones or Klaver (WRFC) was hit with a...
Six Try Improved Effort
CW "hard men", Clay Burger, first try of the day! Two seventeen point halves gave CW a solid 34 - 7 victory over Westshore today. Clayton "Burger" Thornber celebrated his return with the opening tally providing the winning "pot" to his bidder, yours truly, The Ruggernut. It was...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
SERVING NOTICE - CWRFC AGM Castaway-Wanderers RFC Annual General MeetingThursday, November 21st at 8:00 p.m.Discovery Sports Club714 Discovery Street, Victoria. Agenda items : Review of the Club’s Finances, President’s report, election of Executive, and any other business. GIRLS...
Monday's Musings
Believe it or Not “A Team Behind a Team” This was spotted on Rugby Canada’s website last week. It took 44 people to produce the NSMT’s results in Japan?? Hard to imagine. Nearly always the optimist, I cannot help sounding cynical with this one! The following are the main cast...
The Show Goes On
The boys take their act on the road again this weekend when they visit the Point Grey Campus to play a very strong UBC program. It is unusual to see the Birds not on top, that being said, they have not lost a game either! It will take a super human effort to produce a W in this environment...
Gold Standard
Last evening I finally caught up with what many have described as being the above standard for RWC, Japan d. Scotland. What a cracker it was with a deserving result for the hosts. Japan’s meticulous preparation was rewarded with this outcome. Now we are down to the “business end”, can we...
Wednesday's Ruck and Maul
A SILVER LINING? Today’s Ruck & Maul sees the return of The Ruggernut! The lead in is to remark about the incredibly amazing beauty of Atlantic Canada at this time of year, specifically, Cape Breton Island. The writer has been far removed from rugby however noting that many score...
Wednesday's Ruck and Maul
Pride ‘grads’, Ken Goodland, Garth Cooke, aided by Hank Williams and Jerry Cordle seek to show The Pride a thing or two – back in the day! COMBO – FPP Ceedub – One of Many Beneficiaries of Former Pride Program Today’s header states a mouthful! The initial Pacific Pride program...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Westshore RFC Founders, 1969 (photo - WRFC) A Wisp of Nostalgia This coming Saturday, two of the Island’s senior clubs will celebrate a momentous occasion. The Nanaimo Hornets Rugby Club regenerated the venerable game in the Hub City in 1968, playing on an exhibition basis with clubs...
Monday's Musings
(Photo credit - BCRU) NO REAL SURPRISES Rugby results from the weekend produced no real surprises, both locally and internationally. Burnaby Lake opened with a win over UBC and this was not unexpected for this pundit, UBC having failed to get out of the gates with any gusto the past...
Perhaps it was only fitting that the UVic Vikes won the inaugural challenge for the Howard Gerwing Shield. Long-time UVic rugby servant, the iconic Howard Gerwing would have been thrilled with the display of power and running rugby the Vikes brought to the day, earning a dominant 43 – 21...
Inaugural Gerwing Shield Match
Club President, Matt ('The Chaplain') Gordon, Displays the Prize Tomorrow sees CW’s Gala Opening Day culminate in a senior men’s Premier match between UVic and CW, playing for the Gerwing Shield. I could wax at length about Howard owing to a close personal relationship over a period...
Monday's Musings
Stewart Eyes His Options (photo- BCRU) CW Boys Show Well Before Second Half Swamping Rugby Canada 45 – B.C. 13 CW’s Braddock, Finnemore and Stewart knocked heads “pretty good” with their more vaunted rivals for forty minutes on Friday last at Westhills. Then there was the...
OPENING DAY - A FAMILY AFFAIR - Saturday, September 7, 2019 Next Saturday’s CW Rugby Gala Opening at Windsor Park will feature current National Senior Men and Women who will help host mini and junior sessions, with the day featuring a Premiership match between CW Premier Men vs. the...
Monday's Musings
RUGBY EXTRAVAGANZA @ WESTHILLS CW has a healthy selection of players named to the B.C. Reps team that will take on the NSMT in their penultimate game prior to departure for RWC this coming Friday (30th) @ the newly minted Westhills Stadium. The match will kick off at 6:30 p.m. The main...
Today, we bring you a report from “our man in the field” at the recent U19 Girl’s Western Canada Championships. “The U19 Western Canadian Championships were held in Regina, Aug 1-4th. The Regina Rugby Club sponsored the event offering two great grass, rugby-specific pitches and an inviting,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
One Month to Go! CW Vs Pacific Pride, Yonks Ago (circa 2003- credit, Ron Willems.)The BCRU schedule has been released and pre-Christmas games for men and women can be noted HERE. CW Premier Men open their campaign on Saturday, 7th September – GALA SATURDAY, against UVic at Windsor. The...