Rugby Club

High Hopes - Dashed!

High Hopes - Dashed!

Saturday in Vancouver produced miserable weather when CW fronted at the Prince of Wales H.S. to play the Loma in the Reserves Semi.  The somewhat rustic conditions, the boys having to change in the bus, a Port-A-Potty so far away that players had to urinate behind a building, reminding the...

Hatrick of Playoff Performances

Hatrick of Playoff Performances

All three CW teams find themselves in semis action on Saturday.  Unfortunately, a supporter’s bus to Vancouver concept, fell through.  We would hope that our women are the beneficiaries with strong sideline support at Juan de Fuca when they kick off against Westshore at 2:30 p.m.  The men...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

BARNARD CUP WINNERS.  2017-18.   It is with our deepest sympathy that we offer the most sincere condolences to the family of Elliot Eurchuk, for their recent loss.  Circumstances of this sad loss can be read HERE.  We offer the President’s message which summarizes matters for our CW Family, I...

....And Then There Were Four!

....And Then There Were Four!

OMG....Shut the front door! Heartiest congratulations to CW Men and Women Premier teams, both qualifying for the final four.  The Men turned the tables on UVic with a 45 – 37 win and the women had a fantastic victory over Burnaby, 53 – 29 on Saturday.  Indeed, CW is one of two club sides...

Playoff Prognostications

Playoff Prognostications

  CW Men go into three weekend playoff matches.  The Islanders (VIRU – Div2) travel to the mainland to play Meralomas.  This is a tough result to predict as The Tricolours have not named their selection and the strength of the Lomas is unknown.  I suppose, given the inconsistency of...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

My period of mourning has passed and I will attempt to make some sense of the action last Saturday, with today’s musings, although there is nothing too amusing about them!  Both CW teams gifted the last seventeen points of their games to the visiting students!  The Reserves started out where...

Authors of Our Own Demise?

Authors of Our Own Demise?

Those darn Vikings! A word of THANKS, from the Captain.   “Last Saturday it was bums in seats, this Saturday it was boots on ground.”  Captain, Nathan Stewart has responded graciously on behalf of the club’s players for the generosity of CW’s patrons.  Yesterday, our two men’s...

Barnard Cup Decider

Barnard Cup Decider

  The 2017 - 18 BCRU League play season comes to and end tomorrow at Windsor Park when U.Vic visits, to take on the hosts, CW.  The outcme of the Premier match will also determine the winner of VIRU play for the Barnard Cup, top Premier club on the Island, currently held by JBAA who toppled...

Canada (and CW) Commonwealth Games History

Canada (and CW) Commonwealth Games History

Posted in Sevens / Canada Rugby / CW Rugby / Game Reports / Rugby Club / NSWT / Senior Women

The show was very young when Canada opened the scoring against South Africa, Caroline Crossley crossing for the first ever try in the inaugural Women’s Sevens. They went on to “bagel” RSA, 29 – 0.  Their second match, saw a somewhat unheralded, Kenya give them stiffer opposition with the...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

The Little Master in action   Our game report labelled Gus Boyd-Porter as “The Little Master”.  Indeed, an honour.  Clive Churchill, the original and still, one and only, played rugby league for South Sydney Rabbitohs in the 50’s.  Sydney’s southern suburbs were a tough place to reside...

Oh What a Night!

Oh What a Night!

CW Rugby wishes to thank its many patrons, sponsors of major open auction items, friends and fans who participated in the weekend’s Annual Fun(d)raiser event. A successful night of fun and friendship it was!  The tenor of the evening was set with a wonderful jersey presentation to the club by...

Playoffs Loom Large

Playoffs Loom Large

The Magician returns! CW ‘s Men’s and Women’s Prems face their penultimate matches this weekend as the BCRU Premiership playoffs loom large.  Coach Dovanne has mustered a strong women’s side to put out against the Sarries, a club that has had little success on the field of late.  That being...

Path to the Playoffs

Path to the Playoffs

Loopy Celebrates the Hardware! CW’s path to the playoffs received a speed bump these past few days with the public announcement by Rugby Canada and personal note to affected clubs that it has selected a group of Centralized Players, solely dedicated to winning the repecharge and inclusion in...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Tate on the counter..... We must kickoff today with a reminder to all readers of this site that it is a blog with a CW bent but not authorized opinions from the Club’s Executive.  With this lead-in, The Ruggernut must offer an apology for any aspersions cast in yesterday’s game reports...

Dust 'Em Off!

Dust 'Em Off!

Dust off the golf clubs and put yourself and foresome into this picture!  Simple, with a bid on one of a number of golf packages at local clubs, on the block at the auction at our upcoming Dinner and Fundraiser held this year at Victoria's Union Club.  Time marches on. Book your...

Four on the Road

Four on the Road

Ceedub faces the burden of travel this weekend as all four senior teams face crucial matchups as the road to the playoffs escalates.  The women travel to Capilanos to face the second placed team.  An upset victory could put them in the driver’s seat, playoff-bound.  Last time the teams met...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community / Senior Women / Senior Men

Sarries Await - Seattle Roadie for the boys this weekend. CWRFC - AGM Tomorrow at 8:00 p.m., DSC.  All and sundry welcome. Reports, new Executive; ratification of legal functioning!!...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

WOMEN WALLOP SARRIES Picked up this score line today, CW 80 Vs Seattle 10.  This puts CW just one point behind Seattle and the hopes of making the final four are one step closer.  You beauties!  Capilano (A), Seattle and Burnaby (H) to go, there is a chance. Whilst with mammoth scores...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

IN MEMORIUM:  Connor Braid proudly wore and displayed the name of his good mate, Dylan ‘Diesel’ Jones whenever he scored a try at last weekend’s Sevens.  Dylan’s passing last year, came as a shock to all of us at CW and his many friends outside of rugby circles.  Connor’s display of his...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

VANCOUVER SEVENS:  Canada gave it a good show on day#1 only to be beaten up rather handily by Scotland and Samoa on day #2 - an unfortunate ending for the hosts in an event that currently is amongst the premier locations on the circuit.  It is not lack of desire but the difference between...



  CELEBRATE CW APRIL, 7TH/8TH SATURDAY, 7TH.  Home game Vs UBC @ Windsor Park.  1:00 & 2:30 kickoffs and attend our Annual Fun(d)raiser Dinner. SUNDAY, 8TH.  Honour the life of Club/Canadian Rugby stalwart, Don Burgess.  Uplands G.C. 2:00 p.m. CW takes...



7’s HEAVEN – Here’s to all the lucky ones making the trek to see Perry Baker in the flesh this weekend!   B.C. and Vancouver Place are well prepared for over 70,000 fans attending the Sevens show this Saturday & Sunday.   In conjunction with the Men’s Sevens, will be the Canadian National...

Sevens Back on the Continent

Sevens Back on the Continent

Vegas Sevens last weekend was certainly exciting with an all-American Final.  U.S. Sevens were the Talk of the Town after they walloped Argentina 28 – 0 in the Championship Final.  U.S. Rugby has convinced any of the Doubting Thomas’s that they have more than arrived on the Sevens scene.  There...

Westshore Quadfecta – Local Derby

Westshore Quadfecta – Local Derby

Westshore Rugby perhaps may not have sorted their name out fully as yet, following their successful migration from Gordon Head.  We have read game reports that have described the club as Westshore RFC and Westshore Valhallians, a moniker they have not completely shaken.  Oh, well, we at CW...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Let’s start with some good news.  It’s hats off to the Canadian Women Maple Leafs Sevens, winning the Okinawa Sevens a legitimate event for Sevens Development although some countries ( including Canada), fielded a couple of their regular although younger, players. Caroline Crossley having...