
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

LAST CHANCE SHREDDING - THIS SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT THE WINDSOR PARK ROSE GARDEN.  10:00 - 4:00 RIP - TODD KNIGHT CW Rugby offers our sincere condolences to the family of Todd Knight.  Todd, very sadly lost his life after Christmas in a car accident in Texas were he has been living for...

The Year Past

The Year Past

We noted the BCRU Annual Report release last week and it is with pleasure we share a few CW related items in same.  Firstly, results from 2019-20 Competition results.  We congratulate, once again, the CW players, coaches and parents of the players on their U19 achievements. Not to live in the...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in Fundraiser / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community

CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING Drop Off Area - Rose Garden, Currie Rd (Windsor Park).  Oak Bay. CWRugby, along with Bartlett Tree Services brings this convenient service to all club supporters, friends and the neighbourhood, as of New Year's Day. JAN., 1st - 10:00 - 4:00.         JAN., 2nd...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Prems / News / Community

From Gradyn Bowd currently playing rugby in Spain; "Hola y Felice Navidad" “Hope all are well in Victoria and at CW.  I am currently living and playing in Eibar, Spain which is in the heart of Basque Country.  It’s an interesting situation here with the locals speaking both Spanish and...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in Giving Back / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community

(Credit - The Guardian) A COVID CHRISTMAS At a time of much confusion and worry about health, jobs and world affairs there is still plenty to be grateful for in our surrounds.  In Victoria we have a low Covid incidence and a very philanthropical community that has already donated over...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

In lieu of CW Minis rugby last weekend and in conjunction with CFAX Santa’s Anonymous, one of CW’s Minis coaches, Baylea Wilkins got on with her task of completing 3,000 squats!!  Baylea’s goal was to help 3,000 needy Victorian kids during the coming year.  Sports equipment and money...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Coach Manning reflects on the “first half” of the season. Castaway Wanderers Coach Scott Manning, Saturday November 28, 2020 at Windsor Park looking over a group of 30 CW Men having a final training session with touch.   (And now some reflections from The Sage on the Sidelines).  “Since...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Prems / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Girls Rugby / Community

2020/21 EXECUTIVE CW is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for the season, following the recent Virtual AGM - "attended" by some 40 virtual viewers! PRESIDENT - Dave ("Bing") Crossley. Dave is a well-known former player, having worn the colors of UVic, Oak Bay Wanderers and...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in Canada Rugby / CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community / NSMT

Remembrance Day - The Fragility of Freedom The Menin Gate - Ypres, Belgium.  There are 6,983 Canadian names engraved on this memorial, amongst 50,000 others from the British Empire who disappeared without trace in defence of the Ypres Salient in WW1.  We leave you with thoughts from...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

FROM CW MINIS TO THE PROS CW offers its heartiest congratulations and best wishes to former Mini and Age Grade player, Sophie De Goode.  Sophie was recently signed by Saracens RFC and on this past weekend she made her debut from the bench.  Sarries had a big win over rivals, Gloucester, 45...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Last year’s “discovered” hooker, Dave Mallard, has returned home to The Rock and appeared in the first “Covid Rugby” game in Canada last weekend. Dave Mallard and his brother Stephen are seen above, ‘post-match’, Swilers vs Dogs this past weekend. The match was intense with a loss for the...

Grist for the Rugby Diet

Grist for the Rugby Diet

Posted in Victoria BC / News / Fifteens / Senior Men

(Credit NZ Herald and Fox Sports News) Gardner's Blunder We wet the whistle for tonight’s second rugby clash between NZ and Australia with the following “teaser” from the Sydney Morning Herald’s, Opinion piece writer, Malcolm Knox. “What allowed that final passage to happen? The...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / B.C. Rugby / Community

Today we introduce our readers to a second Kiwi Contact, former Tricolour Captain, Nathan Stewart. Nate has been in touch, updating his experiences and giving us a further sense about Kiwi rugby. Nate arrived on Feb 21st. in Christchurch and he has been playing Premier Division for the...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

  (Credit, Sydney Morning Herald.) Hot off the press from our Kiwi correspondent, what rugby addicts have suspected for some time, South African sides have moved to the Northern Hemisphere Pro D League! From Stuff Sport; “New Zealand Rugby boss Mark Robinson didn’t spit out...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in Canada Rugby / CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community / Coaching / NSMT

Rob Howley.  (Credit - Mark Baker, Canadian Press.) BIG NEWS on the National Rugby front is the recent appointment of Welshman, Rob Howley to work with Head Men’s Coach, Kingsley Jones, as his Senior Assistant Coach. At the same time Howley will supplement his salary, serving as a...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in CW Rugby / Victoria BC / News / Girls Rugby / Senior Women / Boys Rugby

Gilbert Player of the MonthThe club proudly congratulates Hannah Scherr. Hannah is a loose forward with The Tricolours and she joins Jess Neilson and Gabby Senft as former winners. Rugby – up & running, no pun here! Cohorts in...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in CW Rugby / Prems / Minis / Rugby Club / News / Community

Around Ceedub Belief in rugby obviously has not been lost in recent Covid times, given attendance at opening sessions for senior men and women last week and registration for our upcoming mini program. The fact that players had to be registered prior to any appearance on the pitch indicates a...

Sunday - Must Be Minis Day!

Sunday - Must Be Minis Day!

Posted in CW Rugby / Minis / News / Girls Rugby / Mini Rugby U12 / Boys Rugby


Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

TWO DECADES OF AUSTRALIAN CONNECTIONS It has been suggested around CW circles that in this 21st century, the Antipodes – Australia and NZ, have provided the club with a number of fine players and it would be interesting to see where they are now. Today, we go to Australia first up. Of the...



Posted in CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / B.C. Rugby / Community

CW Rugby is pleased to announce that the registration process for the 2020 Fall Program is now open! Many hours have been spent by CW administrators to ensure CW Rugby’s return to play meets all the criteria of the BC Rugby Union, Rugby Canada and the BC Health Office. We invite you to watch...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Posted in CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / B.C. Rugby / Community

BUST THE RUST! This site is pleased to announce that Phase 3 Return to Play comes into effect on September 1st.  From BCRU, President Annabelle Kehoe, comes the following; The Ruggernut congratulates the club’s COVID Sub-commitee responsible for compiling the RTP material over...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in CW Rugby / Fundraiser / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community / Senior Men

Long time, no post!  Our last blog was a bio on Dave Spicer.  Today, the Doc features again.  This time with tight lines.  Past Pres, Chris (‘Oldspice’) Spicer bid on the Kinglsey Grant day fishing trip at the club's most recent fund-raiser.  Spice, being no chopped liver, won this bid last year...



It being a Saturday, it's time for a rugby story ! SUCCESSFUL OLD BOYS A feature of has been a series of blogs we have run on the club’s Unsung Heroes. We would like to expand this idea by seeking to learn about some of the club’s successful old boys and the relationship...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Posted in Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Girls Rugby

THE NEXT STEP Recently our roving reporter caught up with a number of CW young ladies who have just graduated from High School. The girls were asked a few generic questions as to their rugby involvement and their future. Most of the young ladies have followed the club pathway from U14 to U19...

Golden Oldies

Golden Oldies

Posted in Canada Rugby / CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / News / Community

“The roots of the present lie deep in our past.”   Keeping with this theme in these Covid times, today we bring you a ‘Golden Oldie’, David Clarke.  Clarkie was an original Castaway, having come from the U.K. via Montreal and Cowichan and is one of a handful from his era who can be...