Senior Women

Back To The Beginning

Back To The Beginning

Posted in CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / Community / Senior Women / Senior Men

It’s Saturday.  Must be a rugby day!  How we wish.  Instead, we’ll do our best to provide you with “something CW”.  We have had some feedback to persist with the blogs to keep a wee measure of normalcy as we continue our lives in isolation.  Today, compliments of Jim Grier, we take you back...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Always will be a Future Much has occurred since our last posting. We have mustered a few items related to B.C. rugby that many may not be aware of and thought they might at least provide a distraction. Firstly, our own Club President, Matt Gordon has given a very clear statement as to...

UNSUNG HERO - Off the Field - Chris Shepherd

UNSUNG HERO - Off the Field - Chris Shepherd

With this being a weekend of no club rugby and most fans being in Vancouver; or watching downloaded Sevens, compliments CBC Sports – good job, thanks; it is an ideal time to post a story long overdue. CW: Chris, this is your 2/3 season with CW Women in your managerial capacity. Just what was...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Today we recognise four very special athletes who have graced the House of Windsor with their special skills and personalities in days past. We join RC in honouring these four of the recently announced seventeen inductees to the Canadian Rugby Hall of Fame. Mandy Marchuk, Britt Waters and...

Dame Fortune Smiles on Reserves

Dame Fortune Smiles on Reserves

Cometh the Hour, Cometh 'The Queen'! Scoring commenced early in this one with CW crossing on their first foray into Westshore territory. The hosts responded with some hard running and testing of tacklers and easily tied the affair. About mid-half, Kanty scored after a deft little dummy and...

Crosstown Rivalry

Crosstown Rivalry

  CW travels to Juan de Fuca tomorrow to play four games. The Islanders kick off at 11:00 against UVic Saxons. Looks like the Isles have a full contingent for a second week. Well done, lads! The Women First Divvies take to the pitch against Cowshore Combo at 11:15. CW women will be looking...



Horton on the rampage. Top billing this week belongs to Men’s Prems. Both men’s teams came away with W’s; as it should be in the case of a Local Derby, two close score lines in hard-fought matches. The day was brilliant and the crowd was the season’s biggest. Match PHOTOS - credit...

Myriad of Matches

Myriad of Matches

  Tomorrow sees CW fielding five senior teams. The Men’s Islanders are slated for an early 10:00 a.m. kickoff at McDonald Park. At 11:00 a.m. the Women’s Reserves take on the visiting Comox Kickers at Windsor Park. Comox sit 1 – 1 whilst our CW ladies are 0 – 2. The Reserves get their second...



Chiz owned the air! CW Reserves began their match against Capilanos, allowing a rather “soft” try in the early moments. CW threatened but were repelled however it was Kanty who notched the opener, 7 – 5, CW. A mere five minutes later, Gerhardt was rewarded for what has become his...



  11:00 a.m. Women 1st Div. Vs Burnaby. (Windsor Park). Burnaby has played one match in this spring season resulting in a mammoth 81 points scored. The home team’s task will be formidable however the enthusiasm shown in practise has been creditable and it may not be the ‘cakewalk’ it...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

A Triple Header at the House This coming Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at Windsor Park will see the meeting of two clubs seemingly going in opposite directions. An excellent women’s program in recent years at the Burnaby Rugby Club, sees them move from the Premier Division to the First Division for...

Good Day For CW Men

Good Day For CW Men

CW upped camp and moved to Cowichan’s Herd Rd Field last Saturday. Proceedings opened with the Women’s First Div match with Nanaimo taking the match by a 36 – 14 score. CW tries came compliments of Maelle Reid and Brooke Bazian. It was a first ever appearance in a women’s game in this league for...



  Today we feature the Cowichan RFC logo with respect and thanks. Despite registering just a lone win so far this season in Premier play, tomorrow’s opposition, Nanaimo Hornets will provide stellar opposition for CW’s men at Herd Rd. In the true spirit of rugby, the Piggies have made...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

CW's, Karen Paquin, doing the hard yards! Plenty of rugby going on all around the world but nix at Windsor Park with yet another forecast for the weekend not exactly rosy! SIX NATIONS – Expected wins by Ireland and Wales but an upset in Paris where the Jones Crew (aka England) took one on...

Fickle Finger of Fate!

Fickle Finger of Fate!

  No ferkin rugby again! Vs Caps, Family Day weekend (Feb., 15th) View Sydney Sevens...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

SEVENS SUCCESSES Despite the cancellation of many of the matches in B.C., it was a lively weekend of rugby. CW’s Premier Women travelled to UBC. The Thunderbirds have graduated to the Premier Division and are the current National XV’s University Champs. The club has mustered a very...

House of Windsor Draws a Quagmire!

House of Windsor Draws a Quagmire!

From a scheduled double-header to nada.  Due to terrible field cnditions, the Women's First Division game  VS Burnaby has been postponed until February, 15th and the Men's Reserves game will be hosted by Cowichan at 1:00 p.m.  Women's Premier Vs UBC is still "on".  Good luck to both teams...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

LET'S PUT SEATS IN THESE SEATS! First in, best dressed! CW is pleased to announce an early push for our Annual Fun(d)raiser Dinner, returning to the Union Club on February 29th. Organise your table of ten or purchase an individual ticket for this, ‘not to be missed’ event. Tickets...

One Way Traffic at Starfire

One Way Traffic at Starfire

Posted in Canada Rugby / CW Rugby / Rugby Club / Victoria BC / RWC / News / NSWT / Senior Women

  This writer has synthesized the twitter feed of last night’s game from the SeaWolves for the following report. The game was not shown however the scoring parade was denoted accurately and often! Seattle scored early and followed up soon after from a rolling maul from the lineout and...



LAST CHANCE - Anyone who may still have a tree to recycle! CW provides this opportunity TOMORROW, noon - 4:00 p.m. Rose Garden site, Windsor Park. By donation. Thanks for your support. CW's PREMIER WOMEN, akin to the men, have been thrown the gauntlet from Coach Dovanne...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

 'tis the be thankful.  The Treasurer gives thanks for the club being able to keep its financial head above water! A relevant reminder to ink Feb., 29th's Fun(d)raiser! It was the days before Christmas for the thirteenth Annual Guido Luncheon! A spectrum of clubs...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

PATHWAY TO THE PINNACLE Today it gives this site great pleasure to highlight Julianne Zussman, a special athlete, a special person and a wonderful ambassador for rugby, specifically Canadian rugby.  This past weekend, ‘Zuss’ as we fondly know her at CW, refereed at the Dubai Sevens.  She...



FRIDAY, 13th December – GUIDO'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON12:00 noon; $35; @ The Temple; proceeds to CW. Guido’s annual gesture of giving back. He provides turkey and all the trimmings, along with libations for an opportunity for players from across the clubs to get together in the spirit of rugby....

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

A Good Day for CW U16 Girls lost to Abbotsford in the B.C. Final, 29 – 44. Down, 22 – 29 @ the half, the girls ran out of steam against a deep bench. Congrats to Abbie. B.C. Champs. Thanks to parents and coaches. U19 Girls. This crew repeated as B.C. Champs with a lop-sided victory...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

The Chaplain in Presidential mode! CW congratulates third term President, Matt (“The Chaplain”) Gordon.  Matt was re-elected for a third term at last week’s AGM.  A thankless job, requiring considerable “personal” time and support from spouse/partner and family, we are fortunate to have...