Monday's Musings
Flukey photo- the writer's M-o-M caught in the same frame - Braddock & Fraser! A good season ends in hard-fought contest. Being the last game report of the season, the writer may just become a little verbose! UBC had been bushwhacked on their last visit to Windsor and they opened with...
The boys said adios to Jake Sponarski during the week as he headed off to Perth University First Grade side in Western Australia. Jack has indicated his intent to study meteorology in Oz. Best of luck, buddy. Hadyn Evans failed to pass his fitness test yesterday so there will be a shuffle in...
First Div Goes Strong
The Divvies have announced their selection for their match tomorrow. Please note yet ANOTHER start time alteration!! Kick-off - 1:30 p.m. Kyle Hohert will lead the team and surrounding him in the forward pack are; Damon Adams, Brian Kim and Grant Baird as the FRF. Kyle's locking partner will...
Game Day Dispensation
The Competition Committee of the BCRU have as a rule; that clubs with both Premier and Premier Reserve teams in playoffs had to schedule the Reserve game for Sunday. It has come to our attention that a dispensation has been permitted for UBCOB and the First Divvy game will now be forwarded...
Plunge Into Playoffs
The Playoff Picture for the season is now complete and CW has both senior men's teams involved. The Firsts will take to the field at Windsor this coming Sunday, (23rd) at 1:00 p.m. against the visiting UBCOB Ravens, a team they tied just two week's back. The memories of this game must lie sour...
They Are the Champions!
Can’t think of enough congratulatory comments for our NSMT 7’s – winners in Singapore this weekend. Just sooooo happy for the core group who have laboured so hard for so long to finally reach this pinnacle, surrounded by youngsters to carry the torch and some pace in the mix to boot and this...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Today’s R & M takes a re-visit to last Saturday’s Women’s Premiership match. If you missed the game or would like to re-visit the action, we have included a forty minute video clip for your enjoyment. Would like to draw the viewer’s attention to the place kicking of CW’s Jess Neilson,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CW All Over Shout out for best of luck to Mike Fuli, Luke McCloskey and Pat Kay on the eve of Hong Kong Men’s Sevens. MacGrath has taken an expansive group to HK, with a new speedster from the CFL - Teavaughn Campbell. Unfortunately, John Moonlight has to stay behind as a result...
From the Sidelines
'The Magician' does his thing! I kick off today with a “scribe to scribe" commentary. Read BCRN’s Capilano game report Vs JBAA from last Saturday during the week. Writer, John Langley has been a player and diligent volunteer with Caps for a long time. I respect John and enjoy his reports which...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
The countenance of a happy man! The Don, Raymondo and Ruggernut share a post-game laugh. Ray undergoes knee surgery this week and we wish him luck for a successful operation and speedy recovery. CW travels to Klahanie with three senior teams this Saturday. There will be room on the bus...
Make a bid on your favourite player Vs UBC on Saturday tonite at The Clubbie, 714 Discovery, 8:30. The Tricolor starting lineup Vs The Birds is as follows; FRF: #1 John Braddock #2 Ray Barkwill #3 Jack Sponarski #4 Cam Polson #5 Connor Turner #6 Riley Ilnicki (C) #7 Nathan Stewart #8 Haydn...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
A SPECIAL EVENT Despite this being late notice, CW would like to invite as many supporters that can be present to The Temple tomorrow evening, 8:30 p.m. following the men’s and women’s practise. There will be a showing on the BIG screen of the controversial Pool match from the Sevens,...
Monday's Musings
SATURDAY IN REVIEW Paquin - a masterful game. CW Premier Women were great value on Saturday for their 39 – 19 win, minus a number of players. It was 17 – 7 at the half when Britt Waters excused herself to go coach the Jess Nelson led Vikes to the National Unis 7’s Championship. Congrats...
Today we wish to offer our honouring of recipients recognized at last Thursday’s fourth, Rugby Canada Annual Awards Dinner. It was a BIG night for The Tricolour, an event which deserved earlier laudings. Let’s start with the inaugural class of the Canadian Rugby Hall of Fame. Gareth Rees,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
.....and we get to see her at all home games!! Nominated Canada Women's Player-of-the-Year, CW's Julianne Zussman. You beauty! When the scrumming machine breaks down, what do you do? “You push hard, I’ll push hard…..” CW Prem Women Eight" Vs a ‘CW Men’ Tight Five! What a club! Copped...
Unsung Hero - On the Field
Newcomer, Connor Turner - a force to be reckoned with! Connor Turner is a newcomer to CW, a real find! He has shoved alongside of Polson, Hohert, Horan, Evans and McLean. Finally, it looks like he and Thomas have the lock on the lock positions. Connor has earned our Unsung Hero recognition....
The Sage Reports
This week we welcome The Sage back for his always, different perspective of the game. Div One: Tries: Brendan Gerhardt, Kyle Hohert, Marcus Hall and Grant Baird. Goals – Gerhardt – 1 pen., 4 conv. There were two main story lines in this match. Firstly, a full eighty minutes of battle The...
Divvies Defy Pundit!
CW’s First Div boys served up a liberal dish of crow to The Ruggernut last night! Down 26 – 3 to the Norsemen, they raced back with 28 unanswered points to pinch the match – a fabulous result. Story will follow as The Sage was on the sidelines. A Day of Comebacks The ladies went ahead at...
Selections & Predictions
*1st Div vs UVic*1. Doug Hepp 2. Jeff Crone 3. Grant Baird 4. Neil Fowler 5. Kyle Hohert © 6. Jordon Montgomery 7. Kiel Horan 8. Matt McLean 9. Brock Gallagher 10. Brandon Gerhardt 11. Ethan Hager 12. Oli Winser 13. Cody Milne 14. Marcus Hall 15. Curtis Bailey As much as last weekend’s result...
From Eight to Eighties
The fabric of CW culture is based on this catch phrase. Last week we referred to the inventor of the Tetley Kicking Tee, when introducing Mark Wyatt. Let’s introduce you to the real Don Burgess. Burge achieved many notable feats on the rugby pitch for the Oak Bay Wanderers, the Crimson Tide,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Late Out of the Gate! Everywhere else it’s been announced but we save the best til last! CW offers our heartiest congratulations to Caroline Crossley who has been selected for the NSWT Sevens Vegas Version, upcoming this weekend. “Cross” does not get to wear the Tricolour very often these days,...
Tricolour Tripleheader
Seattle Women, in second place in the Premiership League proved to be a real hurdle to their hosts on Saturday. Seattle opened strongly, keeping CW under huge pressure and in fact, not scoring created some visible deflation. CW managed to survive the early onslaught and work their way...
It's a Sell-Out
Victoria Golf Club will be where it's at Saturday evening! Snoozed? You loosed! Go,...
Monday's Musings
PREMIERS SPLIT A PAIR CW teams had a mixed bag of results on Saturday. For the CW Women Prems, the rubber has hit the road as the gap between contenders was widened at Cowichan on Saturday, with the locals dishing out a fairly convincing, 46 – 24 score line. With only seven comp points after...
Weekend Preview
CW sends both men and women on the road on Saturday. The women travel over The Hat to Piggysville, a team they have to catch in the standings as they drive for the semis. The Cowichan, Kelly Russell led women, have a five point lead on The Tricolour going into this one. Last time round,...