Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CLUB DAY - MASSIVE SUCCESS Despite inclement weather, a great group of players, male and female, from Minis to Seniors, parents, coaches and a smattering of fans turned out to be part of Saturday’s CW Club Day. The day culminated with a solid hit-out between the senior men, Team Carson...
LOCKED & LOADED It takes a village to raise a child and an army to run a rugby club. Check OUR PEOPLE and view the interesting bios – an army of volunteers, ready to roll. From our Mini Director, Dave Hill to Head Honcho, Director of Rugby, Ken Goodland, including Directors of Girl’s...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CW DoR, Ken Goodland demonstrates safety technique in the event of an inintended 'tip-tackle'! Despite the vicissitudes of the Delta Covid variance, rugby continues to be permitted. The Ruggernut recently caught up with CW Director of Rugby, Ken Goodland and Premier Women’s Coach, Catie...
Monday's Musings
CANADA MEN TAKE ONE SMALL STEP Canada’s NSMT took a step in the right direction in qualifying for the 2023 RWC when they defeated arch-rival, U.S. Eagles on Saturday. Coming from behind, the men notched a 34 – 21 victory and overcame what had been a rather large monkey when they defeated...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CW YOUTH GET UNDERWAY Coach, Morgan & U15 Boys Tuesday saw the commencement of our Youth programs for the coming season. Both men’s and women’s senior programs are also underway. The club wishes to welcome all newcomers – experienced or novice. Our coaches across the board, have...
Registration is now open for the 2021/22 Contact CW Junior Boys Rugby Season. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to the pitch for what should be a regular contact rugby season! Registration takes place electronically and you can register HERE. Should you have a question...
Monday's Musings
CWRFC is very pleased to annouce the appointment of the Women's Head Coach for the coming season, Caitie McNally. Caitie first discovered rugby in high school in Guelph, Ontario, where she quickly fell in love with the community and competition that comes with the sport. She continued on to...
COACHING CREW COMPLETE Director of Rugby, Ken Goodland is pleased to announce the addition of Ciaran Hearn to the Men's Coaching Team for the coming season. Hearn will serve as Assistant Program Coach for backs and skills. The men will field three teams in competition this year and...
CW wishes to offer our deepest sympathy to the Straith family having learned of the recent passing of Kane after a courageous battle with illness. Kane was a “late bloomer” to rugby, having excelled at soccer, basketball and a variety of other sports in High School. He had been introduced to...
Monday's Musings
CANADA MEN NO MATCH Canada’s NSMT lost heavily to England last Saturday by a score of 14 – 70.The first try came in the first minute and the try line parade continued, unabated for the next seventy minutes. Contrary to a report from Rugby Canada which lauded the positives from the lineout...
Last week Rugby Canada announced its selection for Men’s & Women’s Sevens teams for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. CW congratulations to all who have been selected. We are especially proud of those who have had a strong affiliation with our club and who have worn the Tricolour jersey on...
A couple of the local wags have reminded The Ruggernut that it was just seven years ago when Lucas Albornoz arrived from Argentina on CW’s doorstep. Lucas put in a season with the Tricolours before relocating to Burnaby and the rest as they say, “is history”. Congratulations and good...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Lockie Kratz gives a youthful, "don't argue"! CANADA NSMT TO UK in JULY NSMT Coach, Kingsley Jones, recently announced his 32 with two spots to be filled, for the two matches in the UK, July 3 Vs Wales at Cardiff and July, 10 Vs England at Twickers. It is a fairly “young” side which...
CW has selected a new Director of Rugby to replace Scott Manning. It seems almost unfair that just when the club had come to grips with finding a way to appoint Scott as Director of Rugby, a rather unique role so far as B.C. clubs are concerned, that the rug is pulled however, the guidelines...
CW Board has selected a new Head Coach to replace Scott Manning. Most readers will know by now that Scott has moved “back” to UVic to head up the University program. Today the club would like to congratulate Ken Goodland who has been appointed to take on the coaching position. Ken has been...
UVIC Gains; CW Gives!
It is with a tremendous sense of loss, yet pride, that the CW Tricolours today congratulate Coach Scott Manning who has been announced as the Head Coach of the UVic Vikes Rugby Program. Scott was appointed Coach of CW Rugby some five seasons back when he was completing his Masters of Education...
Rt. to lt. Starters - Goodland, O’Toole, Weingart (C.), Walsh, Williams, MacSween, Daume, Gilmour, Gay, Franklin, Buckley P., Thompson C., Scholz, Buckley M., Hearn Bench – Racine L., Monro, Morris, Ilnicki R., Mallory, Hodge, Cordle, Crawford, Pope. It has been ten years to the day since...
Monday's Musings
(Credit - Victoria Times Colonist) Doug Tate and Rick Farally announced their “second” retirement from coaching rugby at UVic last week. They retired at the end of the 2019 season, then came Covid! They agreed to stay on in an interim measure to ensure recruiting would occur and current...
Kratz Inks Contract
Further to last Wednesday’s post about CW players in the MLR, comes the news that Lockie Kratz has signed with Nola Gold. Lachlan’s body of work includes many honours packed into his rugby achievements to date in his young rugby career. CW has a unique tie of sorts with Nola. Our “own”,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CEEDUB PLAYER UPDATE In times when players have played for a compendium of clubs from coast to coast, we bring you news of players who have all had a considerable number of showings in the Tricolour jersey. It is rare these days that a club can take sole responsibility for a player’s...
Director of Rugby - UPDATE
A SATURDAY RUGBY FIX - D-o-R Meets the Prez! Today’s effort at weekend rugby comes in the form of a video of a meeting between Club President, Dave Crossley and newly appointed Director of Rugby, Scott Manning. Scott has been at work at his new “part-time” position now for some one hundred...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Rugby U7 Rookie, Hudson, shares his joy at starting the game! Six weeks have passed since our last posting and we continue to slog through Covid times. However, today, it is a glimmer of bright news that is passed to the many ‘starved’ CW fans. Having heard pronouncements regarding...
Monday's Musings
EXCITING NEWS - REGISTRATION RE-RUN REGISTRATION FOR CW PROGRAMS Online registration for the 2020/2021 Winter/Spring Non-Contact Season is now open. There are two categories; (i) UPGRADE (ii) NEW REGISTRATION Due to current Provincial Health Office Orders CW Rugby is NOT able to...
R.I.P. Tristan "Tuna" Alexander
It is with heartfelt sadness that we bring news today of the loss of life of a young playing member, 22 year old, Tristan Alexander. Tristan lost his life last week whilst doing one of many things that he loved, for he was one who attacked living with zest and gusto. Whilst snow-boarding at...