B.C. Rugby
CW Board has selected a new Head Coach to replace Scott Manning. Most readers will know by now that Scott has moved “back” to UVic to head up the University program. Today the club would like to congratulate Ken Goodland who has been appointed to take on the coaching position. Ken has been...
UVIC Gains; CW Gives!
It is with a tremendous sense of loss, yet pride, that the CW Tricolours today congratulate Coach Scott Manning who has been announced as the Head Coach of the UVic Vikes Rugby Program. Scott was appointed Coach of CW Rugby some five seasons back when he was completing his Masters of Education...
Rt. to lt. Starters - Goodland, O’Toole, Weingart (C.), Walsh, Williams, MacSween, Daume, Gilmour, Gay, Franklin, Buckley P., Thompson C., Scholz, Buckley M., Hearn Bench – Racine L., Monro, Morris, Ilnicki R., Mallory, Hodge, Cordle, Crawford, Pope. It has been ten years to the day since...
Monday's Musings
(Credit - Victoria Times Colonist) Doug Tate and Rick Farally announced their “second” retirement from coaching rugby at UVic last week. They retired at the end of the 2019 season, then came Covid! They agreed to stay on in an interim measure to ensure recruiting would occur and current...
Monday's Musings
EXCITING NEWS - REGISTRATION RE-RUN REGISTRATION FOR CW PROGRAMS Online registration for the 2020/2021 Winter/Spring Non-Contact Season is now open. There are two categories; (i) UPGRADE (ii) NEW REGISTRATION Due to current Provincial Health Office Orders CW Rugby is NOT able to...
The Year Past
We noted the BCRU Annual Report release last week and it is with pleasure we share a few CW related items in same. Firstly, results from 2019-20 Competition results. We congratulate, once again, the CW players, coaches and parents of the players on their U19 achievements. Not to live in the...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Today we introduce our readers to a second Kiwi Contact, former Tricolour Captain, Nathan Stewart. Nate has been in touch, updating his experiences and giving us a further sense about Kiwi rugby. Nate arrived on Feb 21st. in Christchurch and he has been playing Premier Division for the...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
TWO DECADES OF AUSTRALIAN CONNECTIONS It has been suggested around CW circles that in this 21st century, the Antipodes – Australia and NZ, have provided the club with a number of fine players and it would be interesting to see where they are now. Today, we go to Australia first up. Of the...
CW Rugby is pleased to announce that the registration process for the 2020 Fall Program is now open! Many hours have been spent by CW administrators to ensure CW Rugby’s return to play meets all the criteria of the BC Rugby Union, Rugby Canada and the BC Health Office. We invite you to watch...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
BUST THE RUST! This site is pleased to announce that Phase 3 Return to Play comes into effect on September 1st. From BCRU, President Annabelle Kehoe, comes the following; The Ruggernut congratulates the club’s COVID Sub-commitee responsible for compiling the RTP material over...
Monday's Musings
HIGHLANDERS Brains Trust (Credit to All Black Rugby - Getty Images) Those Kiwis! Well, it was with bated breath last week that we awaited outcomes but this week we were left positively gasping – and this all for free! Super shout out to TSN. The CANES/BLUES contest was of an even...
Monday's Musings
Crusader Elation – Photo Credit – Hannah Peters (Getty Images), Rugby Pass News. Well, the big game in NZ was by far the best of the four on display in the Antipodes, this past weekend. The rugby played in the two countries was of a stark comparison – ponderous, poor skills in wet...
Monday's Musings
A Quiet Transition In Covid times at CW there has been a major event – apart from no rugby. Three-term President, Matt Gordon has transferred the torch de facto, to nine-year Board member, Dave ‘Bing’ Crossley. Dave will be the second of the past five Presidents who played with the Oak...
Saturday, A No Rugby Day!
Next Best - Unsung Hero - On The Field. John Braddock, (2020 Winner – John Morley Award for that player who “plays pain or not; fair or foul; no whining, no excuses”.) CW: John, our Unsung Hero is just that and game in and game out, our club can totally rely on your effort...
Monday's Musings
And now for the rest of the Winners............ Best “catch” of the Season!! Islanders, Lee Wakely added another side of reality to the action photos on Awards Nite. Lee was awarded the Islanders Player of the Season. WOMEN DIV.1. Most Improved – Cata and Gabby Torres Venegas; Rookie of...
We Are Warriors
No matter what the outcome of yesterday’s hypothetical semi-final, although I suspect we may have been stiffed once again by a high performance program, our club always seems to realise that it is not the end of the road and life goes on. Not to the extent of; “show me a good loser and I’ll...
Continued Conjecture!
As per the header - pure conjecture!! Tricolor XV Selection Vs UBC BCRU Semi-final, Tomorrow. Thunderbird Stadium. #1 Loose Head Prop: Moderately tall fat lad, often aggressive when something obstructs way to bar, pie shop and occasionally a ruck. Does weights - no one knows why.#2...
A Matter of Conjecture
Well, had all been according to Hoyle, perhaps today we would be rejoicing in men’s first round playoff victories over Capilanos and Meralomas! Yesterday would have been the first of the playoff matches and admittedly, for that to have occurred in Premier play, end of league victories...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
TEN YEARS OF TALENTED TENS For a rugby club in B.C.’s Premier League to be a solid contender there needs to be a number of key components. Although CW has only claimed the prize on one occasion in this decade, with the exception of the 2015/16 season, the club has often been a contender as far...
One Day....the Sun Will Shine Again
New COVID-19 Update CW Community, Many of you will have heard that as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, BC Rugby has made the decision to cancel the rest of the 2019-2020 Rugby season. While this is very disappointing news for our community, CW supports BC Rugby’s decision that...
Monday's Musings
Always will be a Future Much has occurred since our last posting. We have mustered a few items related to B.C. rugby that many may not be aware of and thought they might at least provide a distraction. Firstly, our own Club President, Matt Gordon has given a very clear statement as to...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Last Monday we commented that it was not possible to laud the efforts of any one man over another at last weekend's Sevens however we congratulate whoever the selectors were for the above team! Nailed it with Nate and Harry's inclusion! As for Isaac earning Impact Player of the Tournament,...
UNSUNG HERO - Off the Field - Chris Shepherd
With this being a weekend of no club rugby and most fans being in Vancouver; or watching downloaded Sevens, compliments CBC Sports – good job, thanks; it is an ideal time to post a story long overdue. CW: Chris, this is your 2/3 season with CW Women in your managerial capacity. Just what was...
Dame Fortune Smiles on Reserves
Cometh the Hour, Cometh 'The Queen'! Scoring commenced early in this one with CW crossing on their first foray into Westshore territory. The hosts responded with some hard running and testing of tacklers and easily tied the affair. About mid-half, Kanty scored after a deft little dummy and...
Crosstown Rivalry
CW travels to Juan de Fuca tomorrow to play four games. The Islanders kick off at 11:00 against UVic Saxons. Looks like the Isles have a full contingent for a second week. Well done, lads! The Women First Divvies take to the pitch against Cowshore Combo at 11:15. CW women will be looking...