Giving Back
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
CW CONNECTS WITH COMMUNITY One of yesterday’s Hallowe’en Highlights took place in the Oak Bay village when the Ave was shut down, Police and Fire took over with a Funday and all businesses handed out treats to the kids in the hood. CW took the opportunity to link with our Platinum sponsor,...
Monday's Musings
Man/Woman-In-The -Middle With the RWC being front and centre in the eyes and mind of every rugby fan world-wide, at the present time, so too is the man (in this case) who carries the whistle. Officiating the game of rugby has become increasingly challenging since the advent of professionalism...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
AROUND CEEDUBCOACHING SUMMIT A very successful weekend saw some twenty plus club coaches work with Dave Hill, through a curriculum of rugby skills and safe sport. The weekend also saw a successful Introduction to Refereeing Clinic. Good...
Weekend Warriors
Apologies to our 'regulars' for absence of blogs this week. This old luddite has been unravelling the variences of Windows 11 Vs my former, much more familiar, Windows 10 and some updates with a new hard drive! CW's Islanders - a collection of young, old and restless took to the pitch...
Monday's Musings
Senior Coaching Changes for 2023-24 Season. With the proclamation of the activation of registration, the time is ripe for today’s release from the Director of Rugby, Ken Goodland. “Castaway Wanderers rugby would like to thank and congratulate Ollie Winser as he takes the next step in...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
To Be Envious Of It has always been an interesting issue to discuss, that being Seattle RFC’s inclusion in the BC Premier league! Coming up is the Annual Can Am 7’s Tournament on July 8th. This year’s host is Chuckanut Bay RFC on their amazing facility – the 17.5 acre, deWilde Fields, the...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul on Thursday!
James Bay Minis protect the ball. Today we are full of Juniors news. CW Minis hosted the Island Spring Jamboree last Sunday. It was a great turnout and there were many smiles all around. Thank you to the volunteers who stepped up to make this morning a success. These club events can’t...
Hail The President!
CWRFC is pleased to announce the appointment of Karl Klashinsky to the Presidency as a result of our recent AGM. As described in;, Klash has been a man for all seasons and brings a wealth of Club and Provincial experience and...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
JUNIOR BOYS PREPARE FOR INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER Tomorrow afternoon, CW U14 & U15 Boys will play against Kenilworth School from England. First kickoff will be 3:30 for the U14 squad followed by the U15 game. Kenilworth is bringing a total of 48 players. They have just come off wins against...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
Vancouver, Sevens – Vancouver Island, fun rugby. With the HSBC Sevens on show for men and women this weekend, there will be no competition rugby taking place in the BCRU Leagues. Not everyone can get there and The Don in his wisdom, has organised an exhibition game with the Hornets on...
Monday's Musings
A FUN(D)RAISER KINDA NIGHT And so, another successful Fundraiser has been put to bed! Attendance, fun, new relationships built, a few tall tales shared, and $ raised via the generosity of those in attendance. Several of our sponsors were in attendance. Today, we give a few shout-outs...
And Now For The Rest Of The Story!
CW FUNDRAISER A few other aspects to the night to heighten the bang for your buck! Late-breaking news. Sophie de Goede, Canada's Women World Cup team Captain, will be joining us for the dinner and will have a few comments about the World Cup and her Captaincy experiences. She will also...
CW's Annual Fun(d)raiser Dinner & Auction Tickets sales have been brisk! A big thank you to all who have committed to attending. If you still need a ticket or want to sponsor a CW player to attend, please do so ASAP. Seats are available but selling fast! The Live Auction portion of the night...
DERWEN PHILLIPS The name Derwen is a Welsh one. If ever an individual was given an appropriate name it was Derwen since the name means OAK TREE. And as was his name, he was solid, dependable and rooted in the most worthy of family and community values on and off the field. His playing days...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
(Free image, credit to deposititphotos ) Happy Birthday To Us February is the occasion of's tenth birthday, and it is most fitting to recognize Charlie ("Duck") MacLachlan. 'Duck' is a former Wanderer and National team player and for the first five years, hosted this site, as...
Put Yourself In This Picture
Fun(d)raiser Auction Item - all inclusive, 4-day trip for two to Langara Lodge (Haida Gwai) Heading out for the early bite. For 35 years, Langara Fishing Adventures has built its reputation on providing the greatest fishing and wildlife adventures in the world. At Langara Fishing...
The Roots of the Present Lie Deep in the Past
Brennig “faces” an allowable tackle – back in the day! Saturday, Men's Prems @ the House of Windsor. UVic 3 – 1, CW 1 – 3. Today’s pre-game missive will take some long-time followers back to 2014 when a CW U18 team, featuring this Saturday’s Premier players; Gavin Kratz, Nick Carson,...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
UNSUNG HERO - OFF THE FIELD Karl Klashinsky - aka, Klash Karl. If you will, in this interview we will address you as Klash, rather than KK, another long-serving, Victoria rugby type! CW: Klash it has been some time since our website has run this feature. Watching you, filming every...
Jimmy Grier, the perfect person to meld the Wanderers and the Castaways, was CW's first President. Pictured here, he tells the tale. CW LEGENDS NIGHT Last Friday a gathering of Castaway and Wanderers ex-players gathered at The Temple to meet new and returning players of our men’s teams and...
Monday's Musings
CW Fundraiser & Dinner is Back When: Saturday, Feb 25th. Bar opens at 6:00pm. Dinner at 7:00pm. Where: The Union Club, 805 Gordon St. Who: CW Community & Friends (19 years of age and older). Tickets: $150 per person; $280 per couple; $1350 per table of 10 people. How to...
Hey ho, hey ho .......
It's off to work we go ..... For those who were not quite ready to let their Christmas trees go or had good intentions last weekend but now have more pine needles on the floor than limbs on the tree - not to worry! Our CW volunteers and Bartlett Tree Experts will be at Windsor Park one last...
Whatever Works!!
With the good will of sponsor, Bartlett Tree Service, CWRFC will once again offer a tree-chipping service for all residents of the Oak Bay and surrounding area. What the heck, if you have friends across town, tell them as well. This has become an annual service for many years and has...
Musing on a rugby future..... A Christmas Read
“Q & A” WITH CAPTAIN CANADA – SOPHIE DE GOEDE. We had hoped to catch up with Sophie prior to RWC however, we could not have conceived the obligations that were on her shoulders at that time. We have reached out again, for some reflections. We need to preface our questions with the fact...
Wednesday's Ruck & Maul
'Tis The Season....
Yesterday afternoon saw a gathering of some of Rugby’s best at the Temple for "Guido's Christmas Lunch". Sponsored by Guido Danger with tons of support work by Ed Knaggs and Ian “4 Try” Jones ….the return to a sit down lunch was well attended. Consistent with tradition, each person present...