And Now For The Rest Of The Story!

A few other aspects to the night to heighten the bang for your buck!
Late-breaking news. Sophie de Goede, Canada's Women World Cup team Captain, will be joining us for the dinner and will have a few comments about the World Cup and her Captaincy experiences. She will also be auctioning off one of her precious World Cup jerseys Sophie started her rugby journey at Windsor Park.
Always popular, Balloon Pop! Inside every balloon will be a Strathcona Hotel gift voucher value $10 up to $100. Each balloon is $20 CASH, so bring a few $20 bills. You are guaranteed to win something in every balloon you purchase!
The Silent Auction items will be on display at tables surrounding the room. Thanks to all our donors! Bids on these items will go on all evening. Keep an eye on your last bid so as not to get trumped. At the end of the night bidding will be closed and winners rewarded.
Many folk wonder just what it costs to run a rugby program for a couple of hundred girls and boys, men & women. Plenty! E.g., Just north of $1000 for a team to travel to Vancouver.
Recently, after many years, CW has added a bonus of training lights at Windsor Park. This has been long overdue and on opening week we had Age Grade teams and over eighty men and women training under the lights! Ed Knaggs and some Junior Girls surveyed the perimeter neighbours to explain the proposal and received a 100% approval response. ‘onya, Knaggsy.