Giving Back

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

BARKWILL HOISTS THE SPOILS! Although Ruck and Maul is taking a summer hiatus, there a few items of interest that have met the eye recently.  First and foremost, the Seattle Seawolves (7 – 2) claiming the initial MLR trophy in a come-from-behind victory over the Glendale Raptors (8 – 1) in...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

CW’s Captain, Nathan Stewart snags lineout ball. Regional Rugby. Lower Island Crimson Tide men nipped Combined Tsunami (Port Alberni, Nanaimo, Cowichan and Campbell River), this past weekend, 40 – 38.  Nate (above), was joined in POrt Alberni by club mates, John Braddock, Liam Chisholm,...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

BARNARD CUP WINNERS.  2017-18.   It is with our deepest sympathy that we offer the most sincere condolences to the family of Elliot Eurchuk, for their recent loss.  Circumstances of this sad loss can be read HERE.  We offer the President’s message which summarizes matters for our CW Family, I...

Authors of Our Own Demise?

Authors of Our Own Demise?

Those darn Vikings! A word of THANKS, from the Captain.   “Last Saturday it was bums in seats, this Saturday it was boots on ground.”  Captain, Nathan Stewart has responded graciously on behalf of the club’s players for the generosity of CW’s patrons.  Yesterday, our two men’s...

Oh What a Night!

Oh What a Night!

CW Rugby wishes to thank its many patrons, sponsors of major open auction items, friends and fans who participated in the weekend’s Annual Fun(d)raiser event. A successful night of fun and friendship it was!  The tenor of the evening was set with a wonderful jersey presentation to the club by...

Miss the Boat??

Miss the Boat??

Well there is late chance for a spot at the table.  Should you decide to correct the error of your ways, we can make room for a few late spots and you CAN be part of the big shoe.  CONTACT.  Following the game, the BIG NITE – Fundraiser at the Union Club, 6:30 for 7:00.  (Have some twenties in...



Ticket sales will probably end tonight at midnight!!  LAST OPPORTUNITY HERE. CAN'T MAKE IT? WHALE OF A TIME  Zodiac Whale Watching Boat trip for 12.  Bring your whole family and friends.  Bid HERE.  Face value, $1,560   KING - SIZED ADVENTURES Now that's some halibut! A...



Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Club Dinner / Fundraiser / Victoria BC / News

LANGARA LODGE A ‘bucket list’ for any fisherman, avid or not, the sheer beauty is worth the price of admission!  4/5 day trip to Langara Lodge for TWO in May, June or September 2018.  Guided boat; return air, Vancouver to Haida Gwai; care of your catch; accommodations, all meals including...



Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Fundraiser / Community

Are we having fun yet? Book your tables of ten, couples tickets or single seat. TICKETS...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

WOMEN WALLOP SARRIES Picked up this score line today, CW 80 Vs Seattle 10.  This puts CW just one point behind Seattle and the hopes of making the final four are one step closer.  You beauties!  Capilano (A), Seattle and Burnaby (H) to go, there is a chance. Whilst with mammoth scores...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

IN MEMORIUM:  Connor Braid proudly wore and displayed the name of his good mate, Dylan ‘Diesel’ Jones whenever he scored a try at last weekend’s Sevens.  Dylan’s passing last year, came as a shock to all of us at CW and his many friends outside of rugby circles.  Connor’s display of his...

Hosts Take a Squeaker

Hosts Take a Squeaker

Pullin reeled in on this occasion.   CW Women flexed their muscles yesterday, defeating Seattle 86 – 7.  Not to blow their horn with this mammoth total, for they too have been on the receiving end of such a hiding but indeed, it did show what a difference a couple of players can sometimes...

VALE - Don Burgess

VALE - Don Burgess

In recent days much has been written in a variety of sources about the life of Don Burgess.  ‘Burge’ was in many ways, a rugby Renaissance Man – one ahead of his time.  Nearly everyone who has responded to the loss of Don, has referred to the values and qualities of Don, the man.  Anyone who...

Venue Change - Womens Prems Vs Burnaby

Venue Change - Womens Prems Vs Burnaby

Posted in Giving Back / Prems / Senior Women

Windsor water-logged, BLRFC in transit!  As we post, Shep to the rescue and lining Carnarvon.  Same k.o., 12:45 p.m. 'onya, Shep!...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Topical - B.C. Rugby – State of the Union Real concern coming from BCRU re. growth or lack thereof of the game in B.C.  This pundit will play devil’s advocate today on this issue and start by asking; is it not time to start thinking outside the box?  For years we have done it pretty...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Au revoir, Cam It is with pride that we congratulate, Cam Polson today, announced as a signing with the Seattle Seawolves of the newly formed pro- league, starting in April. It seems appropriate to add a few personal thoughts with this announcement. The Wolves are calling signed players to...

A Championship Formula

A Championship Formula

CW U18 Team pictured right to left. Front row;  David Xu, Jack Carson, Brendan Tatalias, Devin Fennerty, Nick Bamford, Gareth Sandner, Zarija Djurickovic, Kiipoye Ode, Ethan Agar, Spencer Robinson, Back row;  Recel Fajardo-Jardine, Val Carson, Wyatt Giesbrecht, Roger Robinson, Adam Jay,...

Match Preview

Match Preview

  The curtain-raiser kicks off @ 12:45 and Ollie and his boys will be hard pressed against a quality opponent in the Meraloma. Lomas are 8 – 2 and sitting in third spot on the table vs CW’s 5 – 4, of which, a couple of the four losses should really have been reversed. The Tricolors will...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

  Welshy gets some treatment. As mentioned on Monday, Jebb Sinclair will also accompany Lomas this Saturday in the capacity of assistant coach. Jebb arrived from Fredericton and wore the Tricolours 2007, 08, 09 as he pursued his goal for playing for Canada. He was a hard man who...

A Consumate Club Guy

A Consumate Club Guy

Taking the blows...... Nanyak joined CW nine years ago.  In that space he has been a valuable contributor to both the NSMT's VII's and XV's programs. The game has taken some toll on his body and he has had to take time out for some lengthy periods to heal.  Depsite the fact he no longer seems...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

Today is an opportunity to muse! Our header pictures Caroline Crossley, who will be playing Sevens with the NSWT in Dubai later this week. I muse about how seven years ago, Caroline might have enjoyed the game so much that she developed future goals?   Next we have Sammy Kahn and Lachie...

Player Profile - Burger

Player Profile - Burger

Is this a Canadian Schalk or not? Today we feature Clayton ‘Burger’ Thornber. Clayton had his introduction to rugby with CW Minis. He attended Shawnigan Lake H.S. and played on the wing. Clay and his best mate, Mac Poole, were two solid flyers who racked up many a tally. However, Burger at...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? This week we provide a brief profile of Morgan Tate. Yonks ago, when Morgan was five, his dad and the Ruggernut decided to give mini rugby outside of elementary school, a shot at the club level. Morgan is one example amongst many who represents the success of this...

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

The Spirit of Rugby   Editorial Comment:  Last week we talked about a "golden opportunity".  Indeed, last Saturday we observed many players taking this opportunity and I laud your efforts.  The road ahead will only get tougher and I wish you well. At this point in the season, I would like...

Monday's Musings

Monday's Musings

UNSUNG HERO - Dave 'Bing' Crossley CW Women's Rugby - A History - Final Installment CW: Dave, you were a player of some ability. Can you tell us how you were first attracted to the game? DC:  When my father was stationed in Chilliwack during my high school years, I played a multitude of...