Giving Back

CW Wants You!!

CW Wants You!!

Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / News / Rugby Club / Victoria BC

VICTORIA CLASSIC CAR SHOW   CW will once again, be performing a civic volunteer effort at the Annual Classic Car Show.  The club volunteers from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and we will be operating in four shifts of about 2.5 hours duration.  This will require approximately thirty volunteers...

CW Appeal For Welsh Billets

CW Appeal For Welsh Billets

Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Juniors / News / Rugby Club

Two touring teams from Monmouth School, Wales (visitors are U15, U16 and U17 boys) are visiting Victoria soon and we are still looking for billet homes. CW teams have been hosted by this school previously. The dates are July 17th (6:30 pm pickup downtown), July 18th (games at Windsor starting...

Giving Back

Giving Back

Posted in CW Rugby / Giving Back / Minis / News / Rugby Club / Victoria BC

Last weekend a bunch of CW Minis and Womens players assembled at Windsor to partake in the 51st Oak Bay Tea Party.  These young people did a great job, organizing the "float" and wooing the crowds with their candy tossing abilities. CW seeks to be imnvolved with community whenever possible and...

CW Salutes Volunteer

CW Salutes Volunteer

Posted in Giving Back / News / Rugby Club / Victoria BC

With the launching this new web site, it is most fitting to recognize Charlie ("Duck") MacLachlan.  'Duck' is a former Wanderer and national team player and for the past five years, has hosted this site, as his way of "giving back".  He has been a long time friend and supporter of CW since...