Birthday, Numero Uno!

March is the month of CW RUGBY.COM's first birthday. Twelve months ago we reviewed our website's direction and future and made the move to use Squareflo as our provider. Long time Wanderer and NSMT player, Charlie MacLachlan, hosted our previous site for five or six years and it was with Charlie's support and encouragement that we made the move. 'Onya, Duck, your generosity with hosting and time donated have left CW with a wonderful legacy.
During the twelve months we believe we have continued to improve with technical assistance from "within" - Joe van Heerden, Dave Crossley and Karl Klashinsky - thanks, gents. We have grown to four contributors; increased our advertising by four businesses; had a record 800+ visitations for our recent game report Vs JBAA; had over 1000 Facebook "reaches" in a record week and we are in the process of enhancing our Twitter use.
From feedback, it is very clear that favored content has been match reports, photos, special interest stories, Juniors stories and photos. We have found it interesting to note that reports on Canada's International matches - VII's & XV's, along with certain editorial pov's have also drawn high viewership. Please feel free to contact us on this site with any feedback or ideas. We urge you to support our web sponsors and bookmark