Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Two Decades of Memories
It was twenty years ago when the Meralomas and CW met in the BCRU semi-final, a bout which lasted for three overtime sessions before a winner was declared. Should you wish to know a little about this one, ask D-o-R, Kenny. And so, these two storied clubs do battle again on Saturday in three grades at Connaught Park, Vancouver. There have been many epic encounters in between, although recent seasons have seen the Loma having the upper hand and they enter Saturday’s stoush as current BC Champs with an undefeated 6 – 0 record so far this season. CW will be ‘the dog’ in this one.

Modern day Loma
Those around the club are optimistic as several new names will be on the docket. Captain Finnie has seconded his role to Ollie Nott as Mike and partner, Mia, are on the verge of celebrating a newborn. It is unique that the club will be taking not just three senior teams but in fact, five, as two women’s teams will travel to UBC as well.
This will be an epic roadie and as such, the club has organized room for supporters. Be at Swartz Bay Ferry terminal walk on area by 8:15am. Parking is always busy so you need to get out to the ferry parking with lots of time to spare to be at the walk on area by 8:15. We will catch the 7pm ferry home. Buy your own walk on ticket at the ferry and $20 will get you a seat on the bus, plus tip for the bussie and a couple $$ for a tinnie or two. Does it get any better? Let Hutch know your intent to travel;[email protected]
The Divvies will have a full contingent of players from experienced leaders, Frankie Fraser and McKenzie Eckart, to players who will be playing on debut.