Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

(Photo - Credit, BCRU.)
CW's Tricolours will be well represented this coming weekend by U16 & U18 Youth - Boys and Girls. at the Western Canada Championships to be held in Calgary. The BC U16 Girls will have Joey Schault and Sophie Hayes on board and the U18 Girls will have Gwen King, Piper Jorgenson, Kate Kristianson and Jamie Knaggs.
The U16 Boys team sees Declan Stove, Elijah Palov, Ewen Weber-Smith, Jasper Keast, Michael Oughtred and Robert Reid representing the club. The U18 Boys team includes Annan McAllister, Finnley Lillis, Jackson Powell, Mason Levin and Samuel Johnston.
This is a strong representation of Age Grade players and is indicative of the strength of the club's programs at these levels. Well done coaches and the best of luck to all the players representing our Province against, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Atlantic Rock and the Pacific Northwest teams. Bring home the bacon!