Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

CW Men’s rugby will open their season with three games @ the House of Windsor this Saturday. Resources will be pushed to the max early in the season and could well forebode what matters might look like for the rest of the show.
Matches start at 11:30 a.m. when the Thirds Islanders take on the visiting Comox Kickers
1:00 DIV.1 Times Cup, CWRFC Vs JBAA
2:30 PREMIER Barnard Cup, CWRFC Vs JBAA. This match will also be for defense of the Howard Gerwing Shield, CW having successfully defended twice in a row. In the two years since its inception, a double defence is the record – hardly Ranfurly Shield material!
Currently, we do not have selections for the locals. Although it hardly seems rugger weather, fie thee on down to the Park for some fun, for these matches are never for the faint of heart!
CW Women will open their season at the Cowichan Piggies Jamboree.