Wednesday's Ruck & Maul on Thursday!

This item produced a number of responses. So, for those who did not get fingers to keys, here you go: L to R (Back). Dick Ellis, Ray Calton, Gary Johnston, Ed Bryans, Gody Gudmunseth, Daog Graham, Dick Smith, Paul Carnes, Maurice Preece, Dave Price, Oscar King.
(Front) Paul Baylis, Harry Short, Don Burgess, Gary Dillabaugh, John Gatto, Bob Iverson.

ANYTHING ON AT CW? (Saturday games have been cancelled). has become a teenager! Today we celebrate thirteen years with our provider, We would be remiss not to remember our inventor and "grandfather", Charlie "Duck" MacLachlan, whose initial hosting of a website from the edge of his desk led to the vehicle we have today. 'onya, Duck! Happpy Birthday to us!