Tree Chipping - schedule for Jan 1, 3 and 4

As the holidays hit the second week, many of you will be putting away the decorations and clearing out the tree. Please head on down to Windsor Park for Thursday (Jan 1), Saturday or Sunday to get it chipped by your friendly neighbourhood Castaway Wanderers Rugby Club. As they have done for the past ten years, Bartlett Tree Service is donating their chipping equipment in support of the CW club. Big thanks for their efforts in supporting CW over the years.
All trees are accepted by donation and we hope this will be a record setting weekend.
Dropoff times are from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday by the Rose Garden practice field. All donations go to the youth and senior programs at CW.
Here is one of our girl youth players (Sidney Hall) helping out the club on the first weekend. A dedicated girl coming down from Cowichan Bay to volunteer !