Story Lines A-Plenty

Tomorrow will be a classic matchup with what appears to be the two best Premier teams on the Island, with the Hosts, so far, putting down some serious challenges to what is the best on the Mainland. The Gerwing Shield is also at stake. It was first played for in September, 2019. On that date, as holders of the Barnard Cup, CW started with the Shield only to lose it on the first challenge, fittingly enough, to tomorrow's challenger, UVic, by a score of 21 - 43. CW will be starting four men who played in that game, Captain Chisholm, Finnemore, Herron and Schellenberger. Tomorrow's main game will be preceeded by the 1st Div. match between CW Divvies and the Norsemen at 12:45 p.m. and the CW 3rd Div. against the UVic Saxons at 11:15 a.m. Both the Divvies and Prems are undefeated to date. There will be a major display of Mini Rugby between the two matches. In all, a feast of rugby at the House of Windsor.

The Vikes bring a quality side although it is apparent that Rugby Canada has reclaimed their Sevens players and both Prevost and Kratz are missing from the lineup. CW is familiar with a number of starters, Benny Newhook had a season or two, and Henry Down and Nick Carson played both Mini and Age Grade with the club. Jonas Robinson is as died in the wool Tricolour as he is Vike and Ethan Hager also flashed around the House for two seasons. In the Vikes last outing, they pushed the fancied Ravens to a two point differential, proving they are no chopped liver and cannot be taken lightly. With splendid weather predicted the affairs at The Park should be extremely entertaining.