Monday's Musings

New Link With Oz Established
CW's, Jace Peters has found himself on the pitch with the NSW Country, Cowra Eagles. The Tricolours have a great link with Casey Dunning's home club, Nelson Bay Gropers in NSW and we now extend our link to the Central West of NSW. Strangely enough, Cowra plays in the same league as Parkes, a club yours truly helped inaugurate in 1966. Also interesting, was the fact that this was a breakout of some of us playing Rugby League. Ask me some time about those early day adventures! Jace is off to a good start and already is trying out for the Central West Rep team which will compete with some other "Country" Unions for the Championship and Annual City vs Country bragging rights. 'onya, Jace! Spread the gospel.

Not too dissimilar to the Balcony at Windsor on a good day!
And from Jace; " I am living out at a farmhouse with the people I help as a farm hand with their cattle. We are about a 30 mins drive from the main town Cowra, NSW. Entering into my fourth week with the team,the Cowra Eagles rugby union club. We compete in the Blowes cup, which is a comp made up of the Central West country part of NSW. The club president Col Jeffs, has a strong connection to Canadian rugby. Coaching the Wolfpack from 2011 to 2018, and is very familiar and acquainted with many Canadian rugby players. Our club is the smallest team (town population wise), but is known to be one of the hardest places to play because the locals are a very dedicated group to the club. The rugby field is one of the nicer fields and venues I’ve had the privilege of playing on.The rugby is similar to back home, however after my first game I noticed how sore my legs were from all the running. There is a stronger tactical kicking game here and as forward I end up doing a lot more running.There is a lot of opportunity here for rugby, with all the different comps and levels. I am currently trying out for the Central West regional team and from there, hoping to be selected to represent the NSW country side in the provincial tournament in September in Brisbane. Australia has been a blast and I am grateful for all people in the rugby community who have supported me throughout my short career thus far. A few of the lads down here are keen to come to Canada to play a season with us and I believe creating a lasting connection between the two clubs would be a great asset and experience for both clubs and players."

LAST SATURDAY: CW's Chloe Hill-Huse, Faith Tilley, Chanelle Edwards-Challenger, Madi Jumeau, Gwynnie Fry, Maelle Reed, Gwen King, Emily Samek, Casie Jorgenson, Quinn Murphy and Remee Brown represented a VIRU Gold Rep team against Mainland counterparts. We have no news of the outcome, suffice to say, a rematch will take place at UVic's Wallace Field on June 8th, 1:00 p.m. kickoff.
CW will have four players on the fields of Madrid this coming weekend. Olivia Apps, who played so well against the Black Ferns recently and Caroline Crossley will represent on the women's front. Jack Carson, returning form injury and Josiah 'Mercury' Morra will represent a desperate men's squad as they battle to retain their spot on the circuit. We wish all four players a CW "good things" support for your and the team's success.

RIP, Jimmy!