Monday's Musings

Plotting the “Second Half”.
CW’s men have been hard at it, preparing to cause a few surprises in the “second half”. The mood has been upbeat as the men move into Islander action on Saturday, January 27th against Nanaimo Hornets at Windsor, to be followed by a controlled scrimmage against the Pacific Pride. Also, on 27th the Women’s Div. 1 team play JBAA (A) and the Premier Women open at Westshore.
February 3rd will be somewhat Albert Finniesque with “Five for the Road”, (we won’t be driving!) Two women’s teams will be at Point Grey to face the UBC Thunderbirds and it will be a triple-header at Connaught Park, with CW facing the home team, Lomas, in three grades. Final matches for February (10), will see all five senior teams away from Home for the third week! Could it get any more challenging, not to mention expensive.

Did you miss out on the block-booking for CW members last week? The Sevens takes place on 23 – 25th February. Today we offer our followers another amazing opportunity to win TWO tickets for the event. If you purchase your club Diner tickets HERE by February 3rd, your name will go into a lucky draw.
Finally, today we offer our club supporters and your friends a huge thank you for your recent generosity at our Christmas Tree Chipping event. This year was one of our most successful.