Some 180 seats were occupied by girls and boys, ready to enjoy a sumptuous meal, followed by recognition of their peers, this past Tuesday evening at the UVic Student Union Building. The event was held to celebrate the recently completed rugby season. Several parents joined the gathering post-supper, to support the awards given by the various Age Grade coaching teams. I offer an editorial note about this season’s coaches, - it is extremely heartening to see so many, current and former men’s and women’s senior players serving in this capacity. Further, it is also very rewarding to observe the high retention rate from Mini Rugby to the more complex game played in Age Grade rugby.
Following the presentations to the six teams, the Youth Directors, Rob Peel (Girls) and Byron McAllister (Boys) introduced two new Perpetual Legacy Awards, both having the theme of service, leadership, as a good teammate and outstanding contribution to all facets of the game and program of CW Youth Rugby. The Legacy Awards were named after yours truly, Macca, for the Boy’s Junior Rugby player and the innovator and growth of the girl’s game with our club, Dave Crossley, whose award was for the Girl’s Junior Rugby player. The inaugural recipients were Ben Cooper and Sophie Hayes. Ben was an U18 player who decided to end his playing days after an HIA, stating that it worried him about how it might affect his career choice as being a pilot. Not wanting to totally quit the game he loved, he went to the U16 coaches and asked if he could work with them in an assistant capacity. Ben quickly became an integral part of the team and although there were other worthy nominees, all the junior coaches were so impressed with what they had seen from Ben that caused them to unanimously vote for him as the inaugural recipient. Sophie (“Sunshine”) Hayes! Wow, where does one start with a young lady who has been involved with CW rugby since age six. With father, Jeff’s quiet tutelage, Sophie very soon blossomed as a leader, and she has continued through all her Age Grade years. Sophie has played Tide Rugby for three (or four?) years and represented at the Provincial level. She is now off to carry the CW banner to Harvard University on a rugby scholarship, earned with her high gpa and an application with exemplary credentials.
A magical evening concluded with recognizing all of the girls and boys who are “graduating” from the junior ranks, some after many years at Windsor Park, some only a few and some with a Provincial title in their rugby vitae. As you go on to the work world, play club rugby, travel to other parts of the globe, commence University, or the many other types of oyster you may choose, remember these times and wear and carry the CW Tricolor word proudly. Kudos to Rob and Byron, and Communications Director, Merie Beauchamp, and her committee who amassed many amazing items for door prizes and organized this unforgettable evening.
U18 "Graduating" players

Best Offensive Player – Robert Reid
Best Defensive Player – Matthias O’Brian
MVP – Owen Alexander
Macca Award – Ben Cooper
Best Offensive Player – Aria Calder
Best Defensive Player – Victoria Peel
Most Improved – Ella Webster
Impact Player – Mikaela Espinosa
Spirit Award - Alex Jonson
Best Offensive Player – Nola Kerr Beauchamp
Best Defensive – Zoe King
Most Improved – Bella de Manuel
Impact Player – Kamryn Hinds
Spirit Award – Mia Wong & Annalise Vermes
Best Back – Lily Brown
Best Forward - Isabelle Kaercher
Most Improved – Lily Wight
Impact Player – Keyanna Robinson
Spirit Award – Nora Mills
Crossley Award – Sophie Hayes
Thanks to Chandra McAllister for a wonderful photo record of the evening. Photos can be viewed HERE.