Developmental Squads Go Undefeated in NACRA 7's

Canada's Women and Men went undefeated in Sevens action this past weekend in the North American and Carribean Championships. The Women walloped Mexico 51 - 0 in the Final and the guys, headed by a brace from CW's Mike Scholz, defeated U.S.A., 27 - 5. There are Utube clips floating around but Canada's play was far superior in all their matches to the opposition. It would be interesting to have an "informal" with the coaches to hear of the gains and relate them to the cost factor when we read of the financial difficulties of the Womens' program getting to RWC. Hats off to all involved.
A brief p.s. - Knaggsie, Pucker and Co. dropped their opener to The Argies in Bermuda, 20 - 33. Rogie claimed at The Park today, it was because "they missed me!"