It was with great sadness that the community learned of the sudden passing of David
Richardson, and our collective condolences reach out to his widow, Judy.
David was born in the North East of England, where he attended Grammar School and
University, before qualifying as a fully Chartered Accountant. He was blessed with a wide
range of financial skills , which in turn served him well as he moved through the ranks to
become a highly respected and influential COO of an oil company in The Bahamas.
It was here that he met and married Judy.
After several successful years in this part of the World, he emigrated to Canada, working in a
variety of roles, but mainly as an independent financial adviser.
David was a quiet and extremely modest man, but one should not be too deceived by the
exterior. Principle, integrity and honesty, were indeed three words from his lexicon that he held
dear, but when the occasion arose, he would rub his “Geordie Genie” and out would pop this
outspoken, strong-willed, sensible and scrupulously fair-minded individual. Alongside this
new personality, we would often witness an impish smile, that suggested a rather veiled sense
of humor, from a body within a body. A delightful skill that he often massaged to good effect.
Although ostensibly raised in a soccer environment, David was a rugby man at heart, and it was
in that context that we saw him emerge as an outstanding administrator and servant of the
game. At a time when the Vancouver Island Rugby Union was in considerable financial
disarray, it was David who stepped forward to assume the role of Treasurer ,and in so doing he
eventually righted the ship and gave us a direction that allowed us to remain solvent and
functional to this day.
His business acumen , structure, and professional approach to fiscal responsibility, became the
template for many rugby Unions within Canada.
On a more local front, he was a long- standing member of Castaway Wanderers R.F.C where
his many and diverse financial tools were never very far from the surface. He was Club
Treasurer for a considerable number years, and in recent times he could be found volunteering
as “The Man at the Gate “. He thoroughly embraced that role ,where he quietly and efficiently
encouraged donations from all whom dared to trespass - the engaging and impish smile was
ever present!!.
David Richardson was the epitome of everything that is good in people. We all feel privileged
to have known him, and enormously grateful that he chose to identify with our sport of rugby,
and in particular , our club, Castaway Wanderers.
Travel well David