CW's Dinner & Auction is Booked!

Mark your calendars! CW’s annual Fundraiser Dinner & Auction will be held at the Union Club on Saturday, March 8th, 2025. Information about tickets will be forthcoming.
Many thanks to all our donors and bidders for your fabulous support with last season's auction! Your contributions were so appreciated and critical in raising funds for all our programs. Here are some examples of what last year's funds raised through the auction and dinner were put towards:
uniform and equipment purchase for the Senior Men’s and Women’s teams
equipment for the Minis' program
travel to the mainland for our Junior Boys teams
hosting a tournament with Abbotsford RFC at Windsor Park for over 100 players
supporting the Junior Girls' and Boys’ coaches and managers in their initiatives to continue to grow these programs
We need your help to make this season’s Fundraiser Dinner & Auction another amazing event. There are many creative ways for you to donate an item or experience from within your work/business and/or specific interests.
We encourage you to reach out to colleagues, friends and family for donations too. Large or small contributions are very appreciated! We enjoy taking smaller items and combining them together to create speciality packages. Big or small we love them all!
Here are some examples of donations: gift certificates, sports equipment/clothing, massage therapy sessions, framed artwork, a weekend getaway for two, boating/fishing adventures, a round of golf. We would also love some fun community-building donations from players and families - these types of donations were very hot auction items last year! Some examples are homemade baked goods delivered (1 per month for 3 months), and half a day of gardening services. The scope is endless!
We look forward to your participation as an auction donor and/or a bidder!
** To donate auction items or experiences please contact Lindy Van Alstine at [email protected] or (250) 889-6899 by February 28th.