He came, He saw, this time, he failed to Conquer!

Rugby Hall of Famer, Ireland captain and British Lions flanker, Fergus Slattery, a man very used to conquering, failed to do all of that on his recent visit to Victoria. Slattery, a rugby legend to many CW and Victoria "old timers" was present for the grand opening of a picture wall at Mine Host & CW Super Supporter, Matt Mc Neill's, Penny Farthing Pub. Slattery not only played on the conquering 1971 British Lions squad that captured the All Black scalp, he played in all of the test series for the Lions in South Africa in 1974 to capture the Springbok hide and further, captained his native Ireland to a 7/8 game and test series wins in Australia in 1979. He regaled the audience with tales that had them in fits. CW and UVic Junior, Fergus Hall, who was named after Slattery, met the man, much to his awe. Slattery was able to join, President Chris and Owen Matthews for a fishing venture and this was where he failed to conquer, as the photo atests! Thanks to Matt and CW-er, Dick Hales for their work on this one.....what a blast from the past!