2012/13 Awards Banquet

Castaway Wanderers 2012/13 Awards Banquet, Saturday April 27, 2013.
A great mass of players, partners, CW management/coaches/trainers and juniors gathered at the Clubhouse and then the Memorial Arena Restaurant to celebrate all things CW! A season highlight video really perked up the evening as did a great meal and presentations to Award winners.
Ken Goodland began with the traditional Cruddy Awards...... intended to bring attention to individual questionable accomplishments throughout the season. Intended to highlight and embarrass, the 2012/13 Cruddies fit the bill magnificently!
Some of the other Award highlights were:
- The Jimmy Aitken Best Supporter Award went to Leslie Manning and Pete Saunders..... always at games and the Temple, Les in particular has become a key organizer of the Annual Fun/Fund Raiser event at the Uplands Golf Course.
- The Dick Ellis Memorial Award for Club Contribution went to Karl "Klash'' Klashinsky for his mighty efforts over the years.
- Junior Awards were significant on the night
- U 19 co MVP winners Morgan Tate and Evan Cambridge
- U 17 Oli Spratt
- U 15 Brandon Shellenberger
- Junior Girls Award recipient Kaylee Dorval confirmed the future is indeed bright for CW Rugby. - Lance Abercrombie was recognized for his tremendous work with the growing Junior/Mini Program.
- MVP Div 3 Ty Haight, MVP Div 1 Bruce Watson, and MVP Premier Clayton ''Burger'' Thornber were in attendance and all three were celebrated for their significant achievements throughout the season.
- The Johnny Shepherd Award, voted on only by players for a player who exemplifies Sportsmanship, Duty and Honour (established following World War ll in memory of Johnny Shepherd and given every year since) went to Matt Buckley...see picture....who graciously accepted the honour bestowed and, with playing socks always at the ready, thanked his teammates and the CW organization.
- A few closing words from Coach Hyde-Lay... letting all present know CW has done well during a very difficult season.... and with the Playoffs for the Prems around the corner....CW is just fine being the Underdog in the competition....BEWARE OF THE UNDERDOG!!!!!