Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Today's photo features three young CW players who participated along with seventeen team mates at the U12 and U14 levels and 73 other girls from Westshore, Cowichan, James Bay and Comox at a weekend clinic held at Belmont H.S., conducted by BCRU Youth Director, Aaron Takel, Adam Kleeberger and Rugby Canada Sevens players. What other chance would these young players have of learning passing drills for Sara Kaljuvee and tackling fundamentals from Britt Benn and Caroline Crossley? The session was followed by a visit and tour from the girls and their parents to the Al Charron Rugby Center.
From BCRU Twitter;Great event yesterday put on by Ed Knaggs from @cwrugby for all girls in the region. Huge thanks to @RugbyCanada players & @aKleebs. For more info on how and where to play girls rugby visit #jointhegame @BCRugbyNews @bcrugbyunion @BCRugbyTony
— Aaron Takel (@AaronTakel) February 11, 2019
CLUB FACTSPlayer's dues cover about 25% of our operating costs and we run four senior teams. Stewardship of our club funds has been carefully undertaken by our Treasurer, Jason Lewis, a Money Manager, ably assisted by Accountant, Brett Jackson. At the recent AGM we added five new members to the Board. Again, we ask you to support our Annual Fundraiser which takes place on Saturday week, the goal being to raise funds for general operating expenses which keeps the club functioning. If you are unable to attend, you may wish to sponsor a player's attendance. This can be done by contacting Brent Johnston.