Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Welshy gets some treatment.
As mentioned on Monday, Jebb Sinclair will also accompany Lomas this Saturday in the capacity of assistant coach. Jebb arrived from Fredericton and wore the Tricolours 2007, 08, 09 as he pursued his goal for playing for Canada. He was a hard man who always played with an edge and in his early days, as a result, occasionally he saw time on the sidelines. One suspects that Jebb’s inspiration will be very evident on Saturday. Jebb so believed in himself that not only did he earn 42 caps playing for Canada but went on to have a very successful professional career.

Always on the lookout for a moniker, this writer has playfully entitled him ‘Jab’ Sinclair on most occasions since, in my writings. So, ‘Jab’, you will have some great memories of your days with Ceedub and your mates here and so do we, the faithful and we give you a big WELCOME BACK.