Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Unsung Hero – Off the Field
Today’s Hero, Andreissa Lee (with another Hero, John Morley)
Fondly known as “Dray”, Andreissa was recently honored by the club with the Jimmy Aitken, Most Outstanding Supporter Award and the time is right for us honour her with the above title as well!
CW: Dray, it seems like ages that you have been involved with CW. How and when, were you first introduced to the club?
AL: I don't quite remember when I came to CW. I was introduced through Melissa, a still part time bartender after quitting my job managing the valet at the Empress hotel for five years.
CW: Just what is it that you do with the club?
AL: Initially, my job was bartender, but with me being at the club and meeting everyone and having an ear to the ground for rugby and soccer, my role has evolved to a hub of a little bit of everything. I'm one of the few who gets to see the club for its full value, with rugby and soccer that are both such big parts!
CW: Away from CW, what do you do in real life?
AL: During the week I work in the mental health field. I believe that's where my patience has come to handle these booze infused boys and girls, ha, ha!
CW: What is your fondest memory from The Temple?
AL: My fondest memory was definitely one night Noah and his fantastic crew came down and filled the front room with players, friends and family and drank cava and played music till 4-5 in the morning. The unity and vibe that night was one to remember.
CW: What is your most humorous recollection?
AL: My most humorous/favourite memory has to be one Sunday, rugby was on a Sunday Funday at the clubby. A soccer team or two came down after a game and joined in the shenanigans (good day time fun). Then about 9:00 p.m. Roger Robinson announced; “We are all going to Shaggy”. We closed up very quickly and all 30+ people headed to Shaggy (some in sweatpants, some unsure on getting in due to toxicity). Together we all enjoyed a great show! It was so unexpected but so much a fun night, where rugby and soccer partied together like no other!
CW: What is it that has kept you staying the course for so long?
AL: What has kept me for so long? The people I get to meet, the traditions I get to help carry on. As I said when I got this award (which took me back, and I was not expecting), I really felt that you don't need to play on the field to be a CW! And I see that with people like Pete and Leslie Manning, Val and Hugh Creighton, John Morley and many, many others!
CW: If you had access to a crystal ball what would you see yourself doing in 2020?
AL: My crystal ball would maybe show me on the other side of the bar more! But most likely it would show me plugging away, enjoying life like always.
A HUGE sweep of the cap to Dray. Attention to detail, fun-loving, sense of humour and understanding, keeping miscreants in order, hard work and devotion to CW, all with a smile and easy-going manner are her attributes. Love you, girl!