Volunteers Needed

Every summer a large number of CW players are selected for representative youth rugby. The very successful, Crimson Tide Organisation is seeking volunteers for the following posiitons. Not all positions require tecnical rugby skill sets and it isd a great opportunity for parents to be involved along with their kids. Please consider and contact the links for information.
Junior Tide Positions Available
Junior Tide Board of Directors
The Junior Tide Board is currently seeking new candidates for our 2016 board from the south island rugby community. If you would like to serve on this board, please contact Marlene Donaldson (Junior Tide Board – Chair) at; [email protected] (Please confirm your interest by Sunday, March 27.)
Key Roles: Support the mission and vision of Junior Tide Rugby and represent its interest as a whole (see; www.tiderugby.com) Attend Junior Tide Board meetings; Provide input into the operational and financial performance of Junior Tide programs; Promote consensus, cooperation and participation among all
Expected Commitments: Share skills that will help enhance the performance of the board and our programs. eg. social media, marketing and communications, fundraising and sponsorship, accounting, sports medicine etc.; Attend Junior Tide Board meetings; Participation on the Board is voluntary there is no remuneration for service; Attending the Provincial Regional Championships is not mandatory but encouraged.
Financial Co-ordinator
E-mail application to; [email protected] Deadline: Sunday, March 27, 2016
Skills Required:
Communication skills – written and verbal; MS Excel proficiency; Bookkeeping/accounting skills – organise and maintain financial records; Leadership and teamwork skills; Attention to detail and accuracy; Knowledge of rugby
Key Responsibilities:
1. Develop a budget for 2016 Junior Tide programs, using MS Excel and maintain throughout the Tide season (based on previous budgets and assistance from Junior Tide Board)
a. Maintain an up to date budget for the program
b. Communicate with team managers regularly to ensure player names, contact information and dues collected are accurately tracked
c. Track all money in and money out for the program
d. Maintain a master list of selected players and contact information
e. Share budget updates with the Junior Tide Board (weekly)
2. Assist team managers with all aspects of maintaining a team budget
3. Attend Junior Tide board meetings
4. Ensure ALL program costs are accounted for.
5. Ensure all hotels, meals, travel, kit, honoraria are booked, paid and tracked accurately (Junior Tide Board will consult with you on these topics)
6. Determine player dues (in consultation with Tide Board by end of May)
7. Collect, count and deposit cash and cheques with Junior Tide Secretary. Obtain deposit receipts and save these.
* Honorarium will be provided
Junior Women and Men’s Rugby Coaches and Managers
The Junior Tide Rugby programs seek qualified coaches and managers for the teams listed below. Management staff will be expected to attend tryouts and practices and the provincial regional championships (PRC) over the weekend of June 24-26, 2016. Travel to the PRC event will be required for all positions. Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for all management staff. Application deadline is Sunday, March 27, 2016. E-mail application to [email protected]
U16 women – head coach, assistant coach, manager
U18 women – head coach, assistant coach, manager
U17 men – head coach, assistant coach, manager
U16 men – head coach, assistant coach, manager
U14 men – head coach, assistant coach, manager
2016 Provincial Regional Championship (PRC) Events: June 24-26, 2016
APPLY: Full coaching and management job description and application instructions
Applicants should submit a cover letter, resume and two references on or before the closing date of Sunday, March 27, 2016. Applicants should indicate their first and second choice positions.