Reminder - Club AGM - Nov. 27 @ 8:00pm

Reminder to all players, coaches and club members. Club AGM is Thursday, Nov. 27 at the Discovery Sports Club (aka "The Temple"). Proceedings will start at 8:00pm. Come and support your club and learn about the past season's successes and the upcoming events at the club.
In addition, the club is actively seeking enthusiastic volunteers for the following positions as we continue to grow and expand.
Game Day Operations:
Role: Field Set Up/Take Down
• Ensure everything on the grounds and training facilities is safe for players, spectators, staff and visitors
• Lead and organize a team of volunteers to undertake field set up and take down
• Prepare the pitch, mark lines, put up security fencing, post pads up, touch flags, buckets, balls etc.
• After the game, oversee the cleaning of the grounds/facilities and ensure everything is restored to how it was before the game
• Ensure that sponsorship signage is properly displayed around the field
Time Commitments:
Approximately 3 hours a week – 2hr prior to game one 1 hour after game 2
Club and Community Schools Liaison
Role: The Schools Liaison works to create mutually beneficial links with local education institutions.
Key Responsibilities Will Include:
• Identify and approach local schools, colleges and/or universities who may be interested in sharing training, pitches, players, coaches etc
• Organize club volunteers for delivery of after school rugby programming at community schools
• Draw up formal Club/Schools link agreements (where appropriate)
• Work with the Rugby Development Officer to
develop a schools link plan for player recruitment
• Manage the relationships both within your club and the local institutions
• Make sure players and coaches within your club know and understand the
opportunities and how the relationships should work
• Monitor and report on the success of the relationships
Time Commitment:
Approximately 2-3hrs a week
Club Player Welfare Officer
Role: The Welfare Officer is in charge of ensuring the welfare of all children and adults involved in club activity programs.
Key Responsibilities Will Include:
• Assist the club to fulfill its responsibilities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults at club level
• Assist the club to implement its safeguarding children and vulnerable adults plan at club level
• The first point of contact for everyone where concerns about a children’s or vulnerable adults welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified
• Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
• Maintain contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and local safeguarding children board
• Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of conducts within the club
• Represent welfare on the club’s management committee
• Ensure adherence to the club’s safeguarding children training
• Ensure appropriate confidentiality is maintained
• Promote anti-discriminatory practice
Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs a week