Monday's Musings

TO A MAN! (Photo; BCRN)
Very interesting to note the NSMT’s 7’S were present to a man to offer their thanks and best wishes to their past coach, Damian McGrath, last Friday at JBAA. The coach gave each player a mounted collage of memory, recorded in photo after the team had won their only 7’s Tournament title in Singapore last year. Indeed, truly an amazing accomplishment for a time “When We Were Kings!” As pictured, emotions ran high. Things were not replicated this season after a rocky start to the campaign. Despite that, the obvious respect that the relationship the men had with their coach is noted. This group of men are a class act and will continue to do their best to reap honours on Canadian rugby and we wish them well in the remaining two tournaments – London and Paris.
Whilst with the NSMT programs, keep an eye on this site for reflections on; "Rejuvenation of the 'Pride' Program."

FOOTNOTE: ‘Onya to Jack Carson, winner of the Don Burgess Cup for the Most Outstanding Male HS player in Victoria – the Player of the Year. ‘Onya, Jacko!

This Sunday, a new initiative, Try Rugby will kick off at U.Vic’s Wallace Field at 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. The program is aimed to introduce new or “just learning” players to the game. It will be a non-contact program where skills will be emphasised and games will teach youngsters to use space; beat the man with running and passing skills. The program is geared to Elementary School aged boys and girls. Registration fee - $50 (hardship considered). Spread the word. Questions? Phone: 250 721 1527.