Monday's Musings

(One that got away!)
A Really BIG 'Shoe'
What a show this week should be! Men and women will be back at it on the practise pitch tomorrow for the weekend’s matches. Our Premier Women travel to UBC on Saturday and our Islanders Men play Comox at The House of Windsor and the Reserves and Premier Men travel cross-town to MacDonald Park to play James Bay. At this stage, there is not much to say in the way of the upcoming games. The women will be looking for their first win, the Islanders will be looking to have a full XV to play the men from the north, the Reserves will be looking to earn a W and get closer to the elusive .500 and sixth spot for the playoffs and the Premier Men from both clubs will be seeking to get back into the win column. Canada men play Chile on Friday evening at Westhills and the club hosts our Annual Fundraiser on Saturday and on Sunday CW works the 50/50 at the Royals V. Giants Hockey matinee (still some tickets available from Lauren Sargent).

There is still space at the Union Club. You can purchase, group/couples or singles HERE.
Saturday, 6:00 for 7:00.