Monday's Musings

"The Boys Are Back in Town"
CW will field its three senior teams against cross-town rivals, Westshore, this Saturday as B.C. Premier action resumes.

The Women’s Premier competition will feature six teams this season with the addition of UBC. CW finished strongly last year and have had a good warm-up in Island action in the “first half”. The women report being bolstered by all of the fall returnees plus some returning players from last year, including some women from UVic and a couple of ladies returning from injury. This will provide experience and a core of solid front row players, with good pace in the backs. There have been some thirty players consistently at training and this will provide for good competition for spots. Opening against the defending Champs, Westshore, will show the ladies where they are at off the bat. We’ll get you starting line-up later in the week however kick-off time is 11:15 at Windsor.

Men’s Reserve action will follow at 12:45 a.m. Westshore finished pre-Christmas play at 2 – 4 whilst The Tricolours were at 3 – 4, scoring a mammoth 261 points vs 81 and a +27 vs -182 points differential. The locals had some good efforts against Ravens, a strong team and a good early season win over Caps yet capitulated meekly to the Norsemen and Meralomas, so in all, results were very unpredictable. There is talent amongst the group and this will be a good opportunity to show that and open up a small space in the standings.