Monday's Musings

CW adds our condolences to the Hadley family following the death of their son, Norm in Japan over the weekend. "Stormin Norman" will be fondly remembered by many players at CW as they played with him at OBHS. Norm was introduced to the game by Gary Johnston and he played for James Bay and earned fifteen caps as well as Captaining the NSMT on five occasions. He was always a fierce competitor on the field and a gentleman off the field. Hadley went on to play professional rugby with Wasps and Bedford.
April 9, 2016
Location: University of Victoria, Wallace Field
Time: 10 am to 4 pm
Check-in will start at 9:45 a.m.
9.45am – 10am – Check In
10am - 10.30am – Introduction
10.30 – 4pm - Privit and Cogstate
10.30am – 11.30am Player Welfare Presentation - Parents are encouraged to attend
10.30am – 12pm – Physical Testing
Broad Jump
Triple Broad
Yo - Yo
12pm – 2pm – Run Catch and Pass (2) – Tackle(2) Breakdown Skill Assessment (3)
2pm – 4pm - Expression through games. Run Catch and Pass, Pass Out of Contact, Tackle, Breakdown
Please note Athletes should bring: Clothing appropriate for the weather, lunch and a water bottle
A Player Welfare Presentation is scheduled at 10:30-11:30 and Parents are encourage to attend!
To register, click HERE
MIGHTY T(H)URDS After the Chaplain's strong message, the assembled throng took to the pitch against The Hornets on Saturday last. Final score was 43 - 7 for The Lads. Looking forward to more news from this Krew.