Monday's Musings

The Chaplain brings news of a good outing by The Mighty Thurds in the Hub City this past Sabbath. It was loss #2 but a close battle. Perhaps poor handling was a causal factor but plenty of positives from the exercise.
With the “Saskatoonies” (Siz and Coop) and Queenie making their season debuts, the side received an instant boost. Queenie was a threat all match, crossing for a couple of tallies with a combo of power and skill. The “Wee One” aka Coop, also crossed for a brace. Between his elusiveness and the fact that he is so small, it’s a challenge to spot him, causing plenty of problems for the defense from scrums and rucks!
Finally, a special shout out to BIG Danny Partridge. Dan is showing constant improvement in the sets with each outing and his solid runs were also noted. Next up, it’s Comox this coming Sabbath, 1:00 p.m. at Windsor. Chaplain Matt calls for a solid squad for the challenge and a good effort to notch the first W. Vespers will be post-game at The Temple.
AROUND CW – Meet Our People.
We would like to take an opportunity to invite our readers to take a look at the brief bios of our coaches, managers and Board by going under the tab "About" scroll to "People"
January 31st – First Aid for Rugby Course at PISE. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration = $100 (see President Don for possible subsidy.) Lunch and refreshments provided. There are certain prerequisites (Click here.)
We leave you with this news……A first call for Dinner Guests. Tables for our Annual Fun(d)raiser Dinner are already being booked. This note serves as a reminder to either get a group together or trust the organisers’ call, to group YOU (and your partner) with a like-minded group for this annual function! The Dinner will be held at the Victoria Golf Club, Saturday, 27th February. Tickets $125/head. Doors open 6:00 p.m. First timers are particularly welcome. It is always a great night of fun and commingling with others of the CW Family.
Auction items are always a highlight. This year we tantalise the tipplers with a case of Canada’s own, Jamie Cudmore’s Sin Bin select wines. This will be just one of copious items up for grabs.