Monday's Musings

CW’s Dylan ‘Diesel’ Jones could use all of our positive vibes as he undergoes a huge battle, having been recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Dylan, a highly respected player on and off the field by mates or foes has started treatments and will no doubt face this foe as aggressively as he faced any opposition on the field. No matter what your “higher plane”, we ask you to remember, pray, chant for the Diesel’s successful recovery.
My plan is to bridge the three sessions. I have some ‘workbook’ type exercises for coaches to try in the days between sessions. This is optional of course. Using this format we can do some pre-work, then do the session, then follow up. The three topics will be covered using the same format.
Workbooks would consist of some questions for you to consider. You would send in your thoughts on the topic prior to the session.
Using the materials received from the coaches I will tailor the first portion of the session to address some of the items you raise. Next I will present a collection of materials on the topic for you to consider.
Those that choose to engage in an active process probably get the most out of the experience.
In this session we will outline and discuss planning from a multi-year context all the way down to the activities during a particular session.
In this session we will concentrate on planning the rugby within one of your greatest limitations, time.
Topics covered
Multiyear planning (Strategic Plan)
1 year or season
Macro cycles (1 month or chunks)
Micro cycles (1 week or training block)
Single training session
Activities within a session
In this session we will cascade from principles to skills. We will do so to create a logic chain from the principles of the game to how your attack is structured to how your drills support this to how you coach.
In this session we will debate programmed play vs. see/read/play philosophies, we will endeavor to identify what not to coach and we will address the biggest Canadian challenge-‘transference’.
Topics covered
Attacking alignments, patterns, sequences
Critical success indicators
In this session we will cascade from principles to tackling. As with the attack we will create a logic chain from set piece, to loose play, to specifics that satisfy the principles of the game.
In this session we will map out a complete process that begins with a blank piece of paper and finishes with detailed manipulation of training stimulus to achieve the desired training effect.
Topics covered
Critical success indicators
About the Presenter
John coached the Canadian Men’s team at the 2003 Rugby World Cup with David Clark and Gary Johnston and worked with the Pacific Pride/Young Canada from 1998-2005. John has coached at all levels of the game in Ontario and BC and continues to be actively involved in the game; currently as the Director of Rugby at Velox Valhallians with a focus on managing their transition to the West Shore and mentoring coaches across Canada. John attended the National Coaching Institute in 1998 and was mentored by Tudor Bompa while attending York University.