Island Mini Jamboree

CW Mini organizers report on a successful V.I. Jamboree held yesterday at UVic's Wallace Field and Velox Field. Teams came from as far afield as Comox and Nanaimo. South Island clubs, Cowichan, Velox and CW added to the mix. A total of over one hundred and fifty players from U8's to U12's played matches throughout the morning after "warming up" with drills sessions. A special feature of the morning was a Clinic for Girls U14.
Athletic juice product, True Blue, a supporter of B.C. rugby, supported the event with free juice for all the players. The weather held out and it was great to see so many kids learning the game of rugby football. A tip of The Ruggernut's cap to all those who refereed, all of the coaches and the special parents who helped sustain the players needs with hotdogs!