Further Aftermath

Today's is a GOOD NEWS blog. Despite the sadness that has been the case, CWRFC has been left with a huge void with the passing of photographer extrordinaire, Ron Willems. The neat thing about family, is that it always finds a way. We are ecstatic to report today that Wendy Thornber filled the breach last Saturday and we have managed (good luck rather than good management, filling the technical void), to upload thirty snaps she took of the Premier match. 'onya, Wendy.
It is also with interest and pleasure we introduce another new feature today and that is; a post-game interview. Today's feature is with Captain Fraser and the Coach. A shout out to Dave Morgan for introducing this. The second component of this feature will be a pre-game interview included in Thursday's or Friday's pre-game blog.
Despite there being no matches for Prems and Reserves this weekend, there will be two games for senior men at the House of Windsor, Vs Port Alberni and Cowichan. Details following.
P.s. My bad - "omits" - MASSIVE THANKS to all of Saturday's volunteers, from U18's, women, senior men, parents and friends.
Boyz jus wanna have fun!