BCRU - Girls Try Rugby event - Nov. 29

CW girls and all girls interested in trying rugby,
This event will offer an introduction to rugby for all girls in middle and high school interested in trying rugby. It is sponsored by the BCRU/RBC and will include current Rugby Canada 7s and 15s players, and local coaches providing an introduction to the game.
This is a FREE event so please take advantage of this opportunity and convince one or more of your friends to come along ! Space is limited (70 spots) so please respond to Tony promptly.
Details are below and please confirm your attendance with Tony LaCarte from the BCRU at the e-mail below:
- 9:05 – Arrive and Check In
- 9:30 – 11:00: On field session with Rugby Canada National Women's 7's and 15's players
- 11:00 – 12:30: Classroom - Watch a 2014 Women's World Cup Game and have lunch (provided) with members of Rugby Canada Women's National 7's and 15 Players