An Eye On B.C. Rugby

The announcement this week of a new, three year, strategic plan to be implemented by the B.C.R.U., featuring templates of levels of achievement in a variety of categories should be of great interest to clubs. To implement this plan, the BCRU has hired two Regional Development officers, Tony La Carte for V.I., being one. Tony is familiar with the senior clubs, as he has recently graduated from UVic.
The plan will rely heavily on a proposed 10% increase of volunteers. For those who slave diligently to support their clubs, this will be a matter of conjecture. This past weekend, James Bay's program featured and appeal for volunteers to rope the field, look after the scoreboard and programs for home games. I am saying that increasng the volunteer base is very tough.
To mention another item; that being the development of year round age grade rugby. One wonders how well this one was thought out, as kids play so many sports, at least in Victoria (not being a light house), that spring and summer rugby for many clubs would simply be without players, even if coaches and managers were available. Club age grade rugby on V.I. has a definite Fall season, due to demands placed by schools on players in the spring - no doubt a good thing, as kids should play for their schools when the opportunity prevails.
These points are not CW's pov's, rather, this writer's, after a quick scan of the document. It is not that I am against any ideas that have potential improvement of the B.C. and B.C. club game, rather the plan will need to be reviewed thoroughly by all clubs, as it is an incentives based idea, something which could further create haves and have nots. You can read up on this Plan PDF here. A great deal of work has gone into the concept and there is much that has potential good.
Final comment related to this topic was the glaring results of six defaulted games in Divisions I & II of the Springs Brewery League this past Saturday!