A Cost For Developing Players

CWRFC has taken considerable pride in its development programs over the past decade. Developing players does come with a price, that being in the case of The Tricolors; many of those players leave the club at a young age, their prime playing days, to go to Universities. Contrary to a case postulated by John Langley from Caps, at another site during the week, very few of CW’s players return after graduation, resulting in a net loss and very little gain. A number of these players have ended up playing for the National Team at XV’s or VII’s , some going on to play professionally, or simply, obtaining employment elsewhere. The facts are that when such a career as that is over, very few are interested in returning to club rugby. CW does encourage players to play for University whilst attending, a very positive experience for the majority of young men.
Reading the BCRU Rules of Competition; Players (8.2.7), a description allows clubs to levy a “Development Fee”. What price would one levy on a Fergus Hall, ten years developed as a junior player and now leading the CDI scoring race or how about Clayton Thornber, twelve years in junior and club rugby and now a transfer? This does not include a bevy of other players who have been recently developed or played for CW for at least a couple of years; Parker, Cambridge, Kanty, Hammond, Tate, Erlic and a one or two others. Would a club be sufficiently aggrieved by losing such numbers that they would levy this fee before agreeing to a transfer? This is an interesting rhetorical question.
Tomorrow CW will face five “transfers” in UVic’s starting XV in Premier competition – Macbryan Bos, Clayton Thornber, Jeff Nishima, Luke McClosky and Fergus Hall. There has been much rumored about the current poor health of the CW program. Like many other clubs there are all kinds of reasons as to why, with the aforementioned being one small part of the issue.
To the Tricolors…..the FRF combination remains the same as last week and each week this combo is toughening up and will give Bos and Thornber a run for their money. The rest of the tight forwards are good value for their work ethic and the loosies, led by Kehoe will not let their mates down. A critical aspect of tomorrow’s game will be the halves. Armstrong at #9, has been hot and cold this season and will need to play well as young Pitblado and Pat Kay @ #10 will set a very competent backline on the loose at every opportunity not to mention Kay’s threat as a runner. Good to see Diesel back with the boys and Jonny Morris @ #15 will be both safe and an attacking threat. CW is a surprise, in that their point’s differential is only -43 in eight games, indicating a desire on defense. They will need that and more, mixed in with a tad of luck and another magic kick or two from the skipper if they are to be on top at the end tomorrow. Go, you good things.