Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Saturday will see a women's triple-header at Windsor. Action starts at 11:30 with Division 2 playing UBC 2 on the east field and Div 1 playing United simultaneously on the west field. United have nine competition points and CW, 6. The main game will k.o. at 12:45, between UBC 1 and CW Premiers. UBC are 4 - 0 - 1 whilst CW is 2 - 0 - 3. It is a credit to see the ladies muster three senior teams, albeit with much inexperience and youth. Special credit to Coach Catie. Go, CW and let's get behind the ladies at home.

The men will be on the road and the Colts face off against Meralomas at Connaught Park, supported on the sidelines by their Premier counterparts. The bus will then ferry the Prems crosstown to Jericho where they will face an undefeated UBCOB Ravens, with seventeen competition points separating the teams. CW will miss Ethan Hager however, the Tricolors last outing against the Pride was most encouraging.