Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

Bring it on!

Saturday’s games will see the Women’s Divvies at Nanaimo and the men at home Vs Burnaby Lake RFC. The Divvies play at 1:00 and the Prems at 2:30. It will be a critical contest for CW, with Burnaby at 8 – 3, with 40 points and CW at 5 – 6 with 29 points and Westshore (28), UBC (26) and UVic (23) breathing hotly down their necks for playoff berths. Two year's ago, the Lakers suffered a schooling from Bowd, ably supported by a strong outing from Sandison in the pack for a 33 - 13 score for The Tricolors. Saturday will be certainly, worthy of a watch, with all likelihood it being the last home game. There is much to prove following the loss to UVic. Go, you good things!

It is with apology that the Ruggernut brings news of the Annual General Meeting of CWRFC at such late notice.

From the President.

Just a reminder that the CW AGM Thursday April 4th at 8:00 pm at the Discovery Sport Club or via video conference (a link will be sent tomorrow).

Nominations for Directors shall be open to any eligible voting Member of the Club and whose nomination is seconded by another eligible voting Member of the Club. Nominations for Directors could be received at [email protected]

Karl Klashinsky, President.


