Wednesday's Ruck & Maul

This is my first formal communication since assuming the role of President of Castaway-Wanderers RFC back in April. You can find information about me (yawn) on the web site. I’d rather use this space to thank the outgoing President, Brian Huse, for his service to CW, and most especially for letting me inherit a Board of Directors that is motivated, self-managing, and gung-ho about getting things done. The Board itself also gets my deepest thanks and respect. And the circle of volunteers around the Board has grown since my prior involvement on CW’s Board – the coaches, the managers, the kit organizers, the snack co-coordinators, and all the many volunteers who make CW a success.
Before jumping right in to providing information about CW’s registration and programs, I really need to blow the CW horn, so to speak. CW RFC is one of the largest rugby clubs in Canada. We take pride in being a diverse club of over 500 members, with programs for every gender and age-grade combination, from 6 to 60+. We believe this philosophy of diversity in programs and people strengthens us in all of our programs. We call it our One Club philosophy. So, whether you’re watching a bunch of seven-year-olds running around on Sunday with fourteen-year-olds helping the coaches, or fifteen-year-olds getting passing tips from our adult players, or you see our Friday touch sessions with a 60-year-old geezer (ahem), hopelessly trying to chase down a too-fast sixteen-year-old… this is us. One Club.
One tangible benefit of our philosophy is that, over the years, CW players have “represented” in select/elite teams: Vancouver Island Tide; BC Bears (provincial); and Rugby Canada (national). Again, across all age-grade and gender combinations. CW has earned name and brand recognition across the Rugby Canada nation as a strong club, one that you can be proud to be a part of, and worthy of the contribution of your time. Please consider putting your hand up, and seeing how the rugby sausage is made. Ask any of our directors, coaches, and managers. There are little jobs. There are big jobs.
Ok, onwards to logistical information related to our programs and online registration. First up, the registration system is now open. We have made some changes to the registration process, to better leverage TeamSnap. Returning players and parents will remember our use of TeamSnap for communications. We have now moved a portion of the registration process to be directly in TeamSnap. As well as improving communications, this allows us to better manage ordering kit for players, collecting $$s, etc. For lots of details on how to register, please see . Although we have worked hard to make the new registration process smooth, there are always glitches, technical or otherwise. If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] .
Mini Program
Our mini rugby sessions will start on Sunday, Sep-17. There are jamborees and tournaments being planned, and these look to be even more fun as mini rugby is becoming increasingly popular.
Junior Programs
The junior programs (U14, U16, and U18 age-grades) will start soon. The early start is to prepare for the Kamloops 7s tournament, a weekend event in late September. This event has been very popular, so please register early, and contact your coaches and managers to declare your interest, especially if you will not be around during the last two weeks of August.
Coach Summit
We wouldn’t ask you to volunteer to coach, and then just throw you into a pack of fifteen-year-olds. We work to develop our coaches just like we develop our players. To that end, we are organizing a Coaching Summit on the weekend of September 8/9/10. This is an accredited clinic, and you’ll be coached on coaching by coaches who really take coaching coaches seriously. And really, I cannot say that five times fast. Please note, coaches and managers need to register. See registration link above.
Touch Rugby
Touch rugby has long been popular with this club president, as the need to run with a ball in hand has outlived the ability to survive contact. Touch rugby is a fun way to stay connected to rugby. CW is hosting two recreational touch rugby tournaments this summer. The first was back in June. The second one will be Sat-Aug-25. For more information, [email protected].
Karl Klashinsky
CW President
[email protected]
CW rugby follows both the BC Rugby and Rugby Canada Code of Conduct as part of our registration. We have recently updated our Code of Conduct which applies to ALL members of the club, as well as spectators and parents.
I am never satisfied with giving less than 100% effort. I have set goals for myself, and I am willing to put forth whatever effort is necessary to accomplish them.
I personally pledge to call out racism and discrimination in any form when I see it and stand up for those who can’t for themselves. I further pledge to say less and listen more to other voices moving forward with an aim to learn and grow personally.
Taking pride in what I do demands that I will always give my best effort, no matter how bad the situation…. no matter how successful I and the Club become.
I am not a quitter. I am not content with just holding steady.
My future as a member of CW Rugby is up to me. What I accomplish and what challenges remain are in my own hands.
I readily accept that my Club mates, my Club and its supporters count on my best effort at all times.
Thursday, August 17th – Senior Men’s Practise commences.
Saturday, August 26th – CW hosts Touch Tourney, 10:30 a.m.
CW Islanders hosts Powell River, 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 9th – Men’s VIRU League commences.
CW has ideals for all members and supporters. Our coaches also held to the highest standards, and we adhere to Safe Sports Responsible Coaching Movement.