Wednesday's, "Ruck & Maul" on Thursday!

CW Visits Port
As depicted whenever you play the Port, it is a game of character and only the toughest stand the test for hopes of victory. Port Alberni is a great club to visit. With their own field and clubhouse which exudes rugby atmosphere, both the on field and off field experience is of the highest order and the player can feel nothing but good about having experienced the full rugby experience, touring over The Hat to boot!
This Saturday, Ceedub will undertake this experience and with much murmuring amongst players about touring, it will be interesting to see if we can “fill the bus” and Johno (250 217 9472), reports there are still plenty of spaces. With Port having won their last three on the trot, they will have their backs up and are always at their very best when facing a Victoria club.
CW will be fielding much of the same squad that took the points against The Hornets last week. The forward pack has some changes, including newcomer, “El Toro” Albornoz. Chipsy will lead the boys again and that experience will prove invaluable as he keeps them on the job and not being distracted from their roles. The backs are pretty much the same with only one change. The halves will be much better for last week’s run and Frisby’s leadership will also be critical in the contest. Moore will test the defense in the middle with his hard running and ferocious defence. So, in all, it looks like a good match-up. Contact Johno if you want a lost day up-Island! Go, you Tricolors!