Put Yourself in this Picture!

Posted in Community / CW Rugby / Fundraiser / Rugby Club

Put Yourself in this Picture!

What is the Tyee Club? A catch of 30# plus of a spring or chinook salmon qualifies as membership.  You could receive your "golden hook" when you visit Haida Gwai waters where you are almost guaranteed such a catch.  Bid in this one on Saturday Nite - it always goes FAR below face value.


A Date Night Extrordinaire!  Go, to the theatre where you "meet people with teeth", according to the club's good friend and sponsor, Patty Stewart.  Preceed your wonderful live theatre performance with dinner for two at the Fernwood Inn and wind it up with a stay for two at the Marriott Inner Harbour in a deluxe city-view room.


Canucks On A Roll......Hockey Night In Vancouver. Two tickets to a Vancouver Canucks game (compliments of Donald Carson) with return flight Via Helijet, (compliments Troy MacDonald), throw in a $200 gift certificate for dinner.
Luxury west coast retreat - Stellar's Jay cottages at Tofino. Two nights accomodation for as many as four couples with a bottle of Stellar's bubbly to whet the whistle. Face value $900 and compliments of Bruce and Leah McDiarmid, rounds out today's offerings.
Tickets are disappearing fast, with a mere week remaining, it's casino Royale Night at Victoria Golf Club.
Contact Alexa at; alamode2009@gmail.com
