Pucker Leads The Blues

Daypuck On The Fly Yonks Ago!
Ontario Blues will include a couple of faces familiar to Victorians on Friday night. Derek Daypuck is rumoured to lead the squad, so there's life in the old dog yet! Pucker, a very accomplished player, owner of 17 Canadian caps, adopted CW for many seasons and gave Yeoman's service. He will use his guile to test Dixon's opinions of the B.C. backs. Mark MacSween had a season with The Tricolors a couple of years back when they took their last CDI title. and Steve Piatek is also "rumoured" to dress, I use this advisedly, for the last time I saw Steve in action was with the Canadian Leagies when they lost to U.S.A. last weekend and with a solid goal kicking performance when they whomped Jamaica, the weekend prior. Almost a century ago after two seasons of League in "the bush" and the most meagre of stipends, my mates and I had to "reinstated" by the NSWRU when we decided to play Union again. So unless there is a semi-permiable barrier in Canada where players can float to and fro....??? thus "advisedly" on the selection. It would be good to talk with Steve about his foray into the Mungo (incorrigible League reprobates) game! There you have today's tidbit.