Only A Tripleheader!

CW continues to enjoy the advantages of a home field for the third consecutive week.
10:30 a.m. Premier Women face off against the always difficult, Westshore Valkyries. Captain, Josie Anzai, is looking for continued upward progress against a well-balanced opposition. Best of luck, ladies.
1:00 p.m. Westshore Men will get to test themselves against CW, this time round. Despite a loss, two weeks back to the Bays, Captain Kyle is excited about his surrounding selection which includes many new names.
2:30 p.m. These adversaries, Westshore, labelling themselves as Valhallians, returning to a former club nom de plume and continuing to irk many UVic Vikings alum and CW Tricolours will repeat a battle which Westshore won 28 – 17, four weeks ago.
CW’s pack has a couple of tweaks with Braddock & Carson nursing niggles. The club has the privilege of a quality FRF with Corbin getting a start at #2. Newcomer, Davidson, will be all the better for his debut with the club last week. The loosies, Kehoe, Pyke and Finnemore are providing quality contributions.
Bowd returns to partner Pilgrim as halves and this link has become a favored threat. The remainder of the backs look like money – Nott returns and joins Griffiths in the centers. Sion may not take on the opposition quite so personally this week and Mitchell has returned from the east, and Coach Ken has slotted him in directly as a starter. James will join ‘Mercury’ Morra as wingers and Shaw remains as custodian. One notes, that in some quarters, Westshore is favored, but this pundit thinks that for two weeks in a row, the Kenyan Connection will be tested. As proof of my belief, the Ruggernut will make every effort to fie from the Bard to witness the fray. Go you good things!