Monday's Musings

MINI RUGBY RESUMES. CW Sunday Minis has resumed and will continue for some six weeks or so for the “second half”. This coincides with a “season” that is beginning in our Elementary Schools for Grade 4 & 5 girls and boys. The Greater Victoria Schools Program is in its 44th year, having been started by Mick Eckardt and others and Mick is still the sage for the program. We get a tremendous interest in schools but not always is there any expertise with coaching and programs have to fold before they begin. CW is making a shout to any of our men and women who might be interested in working with kids probably two afternoons a week, after school (3:15 p.m.) for about 1-1.5 hours. The season culminates with a Jamboree Day on May 13th, 11: 00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. We could also use some referee assistance solely on this day. It is a very rewarding experience. If you want further info or you are interested, contact Macca @ 250 721 1527.
WEBSITE FEATURE. Our new site has another very cool feature that we bring to fans – the video section. Access is not immediately visible however simply go to “More” and click on “Videos”. We have been able to link the viewer to a wide range of videos that span the global rugby world. We know that rugby players will spend considerable time watching the action. Remember to “Share” and “Like” us on Facebook and re-tweet our tweets. Go, Ceedub!
Another of our own, Dylan Jones is continuing with his battles with health and it was great to see him on the sidelines last Saturday when the boys played James Bay. Dylan always seemed to save his best for the cross-town “wars”. Dylan, the CW Nation remains behind you.